
Non-European Translation Traditions

28 Novembro 2023, 09:30 Zsófia Gombár

We discussed translation histories outside Europe. 

Beatriz Silva and Beatriz Carvalho presented on “Chinese tradition” by E. Hung and D. Pollard



Francisco Vicente gave a presentation on “Indian tradition” by R. Krishnamurthy 


End-Term Test

23 Novembro 2023, 09:30 Zsófia Gombár

A multiple-choice test and short-answer essay questions.

The test was based on the content previously published on our educational blog.

Key texts (you will have to read):


Roman Jakobson. “On Linguistic Aspects of Translation”

Marcus Tullius Cicero. “De optimo genere oratorum”

St Jerome. “Letter to Pammachius”

Martin Luther. “Open Letter on Translation”

Étienne Dolet. “The Way to Translate Well from One Language to Another”

Friedrich Schleiermacher. “On the Different Methods of Translating”

T. Seruya. “Translation in Portugal during the Estado Novo”


Key authors (with whom you should familiarise yourself):


Marcus Tullius Cicero

St Jerome

Étienne Dolet

Martin Luther

John Dryden

Alexander Fraser Tytler

Friedrich Schleiermacher



Key terms, concepts and works (you should know):


interlingual translation

intralingual translation

intersemiotic translation


word-for-word translation

sense-for-sense translation






naturalizing (domestication)

alienating (foreignization)




Rosetta Stone






Demotic alphabet





Reformation (1517)



Étienne Dolet’s five principles on translation


Tytler’s “rules” of translation


Steiner’s hermeneutic motion of translation: initiative trust, aggressive intrusion, incorporation, and restitution of balance


Non-translation (João Ferreira Duarte: "The Politics of Non-Translation: A Case Study in Anglo-Portuguese Relations")


Censorship methods in Estado Novo Portugal with respect to literary translation


Main tendencies in book publishing in Estado Novo Portugal

Conclusions (Class rescheduled to another date)

21 Novembro 2023, 09:30 Zsófia Gombár

The class was postponed to a future date because of illness, and students were assigned tasks to complete online.

Translating in Estado Novo Portugal

16 Novembro 2023, 09:30 Zsófia Gombár

We explored how censorship influenced every aspect of life including book and translation production during the Estado Novo period in Portugal.

The discussion was mainly based on Teresa Seruya's book chapter Seruya, Teresa. / Translation in Portugal during the Estado Novo Regime. Translation under Fascism. editor / Christopher Rundle ; Kate Sturge. 1. ed. London : Palgrave Macmillan - Springer, 2010. pp. 117-144, which was delivered by Beatriz Marques and Cristiana Coelho

The discussion was followed by resheduled presentations:

John Dryden on Translation by Anna Vohryzková and Matilde Marques



Alexander Pope. “Preface to the Iliad of Homer” [W] by Carolina Meleiro and Letícia Morais


Translating Shakespeare in Portugal

14 Novembro 2023, 09:30 Zsófia Gombár

Shakespeare's reception in Portugal was discussed in class based on two key presentations:

João Ferreira Duarte: “The Politics of Non-Translation” by Gonçalo Martins and Isabella Souza




Rui Pina Coelho. “Safe Shakespeare” by Adriana Silva and Bruna Silva
