Test Corrections
29 Abril 2024, 09:30 • Zsófia Gombár
The end-term test questions were discussed and the following presentations were delivered:
History of Audiovisual Translation by Raquel Ramos, Matilde Félix, and Letícia Rodrigues
History of Interpreting by Marisa Nunes, Catarina Costa, and Júlia Veras
End-Term Test
24 Abril 2024, 09:30 • Zsófia Gombár
Key texts:
Roman Jakobson. “On Linguistic Aspects of Translation
Marcus Tullius Cicero. “De optimo genere oratorum”
St Jerome. “Letter to Pammachius”
Martin Luther. “Open Letter on Translation”
Friedrich Schleiermacher. “On the Different Methods of Translating”
Key authors:
Marcus Tullius Cicero
St Jerome
William Tyndale
Étienne Dolet
Martin Luther
John Dryden
Alexander Fraser Tytler
Friedrich Schleiermacher
Key terms, concepts and works:
interlingual translation
intralingual translation
intersemiotic translation
word-for-word translation
sense-for-sense translation
naturalizing (domestication)
alienating (foreignization)
Etienne Dolet’s 5 principles of translation
‘Pure language’ (Walter Benjamin)
The four stages of George Steiner’s hermeneutic motion of translation
Non-translation (João Ferreira Duarte: “The Politics of Non-Translation: A Case Study in Anglo Portuguese Relations”)
Censorship methods in Estado Novo Portugal with respect to literary translation
Main tendencies in book publishing in Estado Novo Portugal
Final Revisions and a Mock Test
22 Abril 2024, 09:30 • Zsófia Gombár
Sts completed a mock test in preparation for the upcoming end-term test.
We also thoroughly reviewed all the course material, and also
watched a short video on Martin Luther:
Visit to the National Archives of the Torre do Tombo
17 Abril 2024, 09:30 • Zsófia Gombár
The Translation History class participated in a guided tour lead by Sofia Landeiro e Cláudia Pires in the National Archives of the Torre do Tombo.
If you have taken part, we would appreciate it if you could complete the Opinion Survey regarding the guided tour. Here is the link:
LGBTQ+ and Translation and Mini Presetnations
15 Abril 2024, 09:30 • Zsófia Gombár