Visit to the Biblioteca Nacional
10 Abril 2024, 09:30 • Zsófia Gombár
Sts visited the Biblioteca Nacional and participated in a guided tour given by Dra Ana Monteiro.
Translating in Estado Novo Portugal
8 Abril 2024, 09:30 • Zsófia Gombár
Sts gave the following presentations, accompanied by quizzes and in-class discussions:
Translating Shakespeare in Portugal
3 Abril 2024, 09:30 • Zsófia Gombár
Presentations (listed below) on translating Shakespeare into Portuguese were delivered, and then followed by class discussion.
M. J. da Rocha Afonso. “Simão de Melo Brandão and the first Portuguese version of Othello” by Catarina Agostinho and Gonçalo Nogueira
J. Ferreira Duarte: “The Politics of Non-Translation” by Andreia Charneca and Adriana Coelho
R. Pina Coelho. “Safe Shakespeare” by Miguel Cruz e Tadeu Sousa
Translation in the 19th and 20th Century
1 Abril 2024, 09:30 • Zsófia Gombár
The presentations were given by Sts, which were followed by in-class quizzes and discussion.
Friedrich Schleiermacher. “On the Different Methods of Translating” by Inês Barreiros
George Steiner. After Babel by Fausto Lelles and Aminata Baldé
Walter Benjamin, “The Task of the Translator” by
Domestication versus Foreignization
20 Março 2024, 09:30 • Zsófia Gombár
We discussed Group Work: Shakespeare Translated, Published and Staged:
Sts watched the video on domestication and foreignization, created by Peter Constantine and Brian Sneeden from the University of Connecticut.
Sts were asked to answer the questions of the Google Forms quiz, which was also published on the blog post ‘Educational Activities’ of our educational blog Translationhistory2024:
The answers were discussed in pairs, and later in class.