
Translation History

7 Fevereiro 2024, 09:30 Zsófia Gombár

Adjacent concepts of translation such as adaptation, version, imitation, transcreation, and localisation were discussed in class. Sts’ knowledge on the History of Translation was tested via a Google Forms quiz: The answers were displayed on PowerPoint slides and discussed together in class.

Translation Studies in Portugal and Abroad

5 Fevereiro 2024, 09:30 Zsófia Gombár

Sts were informed about various initiatives and postgraduate programs both in Portugal and abroad:

Interpreting Studies:

Book Launch: O irresistível charme de tradução

ATAV: Associação Portuguesa de Tradutores de Audiovisuais

Journal: Translation Matters

Sts gave the following presentations:

1) BA courses in Translation Studies in Portugal by Catarina Sousa Moreira and Beatriz Martins Silva




2) BA courses in Translation Studies in other countries by Mariana Coelho Santos and Evelin Sara Veres




3) MA and PhD courses in Translation Studies in Portugal by Bárbara Oliveira and Sofia Belém



Defining Translation I

31 Janeiro 2024, 09:30 Zsófia Gombár

1) Sts were asked in pairs to give their own personal definition of “translation”, then they were asked to submit their answers individually. 


2)  The different concepts and meanings of the words ‘translate and’ ‘translation’ were discussed in Portuguese, Spanish, Italian, Chinese, Greek, Ukrainian, and German.


 3) Sts were asked to give their definition of ‘translation’. They had to work in groups. Their definitions on Google Slides were later presented and discussed in class.

Translation History and Theory

29 Janeiro 2024, 09:30 Zsófia Gombár

Sts were asked about their future plans, research interests, and what they hope to gain from the course. They presented themselves, giving information on their majors/minors, their plans after graduation, and their course-related expectations. They were also asked about their existing knowledge of translation history and concepts in translation theory. Finally, the course was outlined, including its objectives, instructional approaches, suggested readings, and reference list.


For presentation scheduling, the Google Doc link will be accessible starting from 8 pm on January 29 until 8 pm on February 16.

Introduction to History and Theory of Translation

24 Janeiro 2024, 09:30 Zsófia Gombár

Presenting the programme and assessment rules:


Compulsory reading and tasks along with other relevant documents are available via an educational blog and a Google Drive folder.

The Sts will be assessed on oral and written work. They will be asked to make oral and written presentations on the different items of the syllabus and on the selected bibliography.

Weighting will be as follows:

• oral presentations (20%)

• end-term test (50%)

• individual assignments (10%)

• participation in class, commitment, attendance, and punctuality (20%)

The oral presentation is an assignment for 1-2 students that will consist of a 15-minute talk, followed by a short quiz (KahootQuizizzGoogle FormsCanva). Each student will choose the date of the oral presentation from a set of proposed dates. 

The Google Doc link will be active from 29th January, 8 pm to 16th February, 8 pm.

If any of the Sts should fail to choose a time slot by 16th February, 8 pm; the lecturer will select a topic for the student.

End-term test17 April

A multiple-choice test and essay questions.