Translating in England
28 Fevereiro 2024, 09:30 • Zsófia Gombár
The following presentations were delivered and dicussed in class.
King Alfred by
R. Ellis and L. Oakley-Brown. “British Tradition” by
Sts watched various videos exploring the evolution of the English language over the centuries.
Translation in Antiquity II
26 Fevereiro 2024, 09:30 • Zsófia Gombár
Translation in Antiquity I
21 Fevereiro 2024, 09:30 • Zsófia Gombár
The following presentations were delivered and later followed by in-class quizzes and discussions:
Herodotus. “The Origin of the Class of Egyptian Interpreters” by Sofia Fuscaldo and Dimitra Alevizopoulou
Marcus Tullius Cicero. “De optimo genere oratorum” by Ana Rita Santos was rescheduled to the 26th of February.
Anonymous (‘Aristeas’). “The Work of the Seventy-Two” by Afonso Palmela and Alexandre Ramalho
Research in Translation History in Portugal I
19 Fevereiro 2024, 09:30 • Zsófia Gombár
Sts were informed about various scholarship opportunities and voluneteer positions at the School of Arts and Humanities of the University of Lisbon.
They were divided into 7 groups, each with the same research task: Their task was to estimate the number of Portuguese literary translations that were published in the 1930s by source language, using online bibliographical sources. They were also asked to share the bibliographical and other sources they used with their peers and identify institutions and researchers who could help them with their research in the future. Every group published their answers on interactive Google Slides:
The lecturer briefly described the project Intercultural Literature in Portugal (CECC/CEAUL), and with the help of the research database of the project, the real numbers of the Portuguese literary translations were revealed. The students were then offered the opportunity to participate in the project as student researchers in the future.
Introduction to Translation Studies I
14 Fevereiro 2024, 09:30 • Zsófia Gombár
Sts delivered their presentations, which were followed by quizzes and class discussion.
R. Jakobson. “On Linguistic Aspects of Translation” by Inês Maria Menezes and Maria Laranjeiro
Translation Studies Journals by Beatriz Teixeira and Carolina Santos