
Changing point of view

30 Novembro 2015, 14:00 EDUARDA MELO CABRITA

Choosing one of the two short stories ("A Quarrelsome Peace" by Jane Smiley and 'Powder' by Tobias Wolf) and rewriting it from the opposite point of view (Bonnie's in 'A quarrelsome peace' and the father in 'Powder').

Twilight Zone (II).

30 Novembro 2015, 10:00 Bernardo Manzoni Palmeirim

Twilight Zone (II):
- Group prepare and present a new episode pitch.
- Students vote for best episode proposal

'Powder' by Tobias Wolf

25 Novembro 2015, 14:00 EDUARDA MELO CABRITA

Discussing point of view in 'Powder' by Tobias Wolf.

Short short stories. Twilight Zone: 'What If' and twists

25 Novembro 2015, 10:00 Bernardo Manzoni Palmeirim

Short short stories: redrafting exercise in small groups. Comparing versions.

Twilight Zone episode.
Brainstorming 'What If' structure and twists (I).

Read "The Song of Orpheus" (from The Sandman graphic novel series). Then research a Greek/Roman god(dess) that you find interesting as a subject for a short story. Print a brief profile of that deity and bring it to next class (a short summary: Wikipedia will do).

Start/advance/conclude your reading of George Saunders' "10th of December". (Will discuss on 2nd or 7th December).

Brueghel's "Peasant Wedding" and Ucello's "Saint George and the Dragon"

23 Novembro 2015, 14:00 EDUARDA MELO CABRITA

Discussing point of view in Brueghel's "Peasant Wedding" and Ucello's "Saint George and the Dragon"

Reading and discussing "Peasant Wedding" by William Carlos Williams and "Not my best side" by U.A. Fanthorpe.

Discussing punctuation conventions used in direct speech.