
The art of introducing a character. Word portraits

26 Outubro 2015, 14:00 EDUARDA MELO CABRITA

Discussing "The art of fiction: Introducing a character" by David Lodge (The Independent on Sunday 25 August 1991)

Discussing Sally Bowles from Goodbye to Berlin by Christopher Isherwood.

Character construction: word portraits.

Extracts from Cider with Rosie by Laurie Lee and The Lovely Lady by D.H.Lawrence.

Fleshing out characters: A Day in the Life of

26 Outubro 2015, 10:00 Bernardo Manzoni Palmeirim

Writing exercise: Building on students' Draft 1 characters:
- Diary notes (an average day in the life of your main character).
- A lunch between characters (2 different POV)

Writing from models: character construction

21 Outubro 2015, 14:00 EDUARDA MELO CABRITA

Discussing beginnings of novels brought by students.

Reading 'Going the last inch: Some thoughts on showing and telling' (Lindsay Clarke).
Describing a picture: the character Sally Bowles (from Isherwood's Goodbye to Berlin)

Video Assignment

21 Outubro 2015, 10:00 Bernardo Manzoni Palmeirim

Video Assignment viewing of clips.
Forming of work groups.
Selection of clip.
Drafting of plot and characters.

Read "The Compartment"
1st part of group assignment (hard copy of written script) is due 02 November.

Writing project for unit one

19 Outubro 2015, 14:00 EDUARDA MELO CABRITA

Writing from models: writing a short story
Two writing activities:

a) Guided composition writing: start a short story with the following sentence : 'Quite early one morning in the Winter...' (Dylan Thomas).
Your story should describe an unusual event that draws a group of characters together. Choose an ordinary character, introduce the community, describe two characters more fully.

b) Free writing.

Students read out their beginnings.