
Immersive theatre

7 Outubro 2015, 14:00 EDUARDA MELO CABRITA

Immersive theatre: guest speaker Nuno Moreira tells the class about immersive theatre and 'And they died happily ever after'.

WE3 (cont.). "The Office"

7 Outubro 2015, 10:00 Bernardo Manzoni Palmeirim

2 WE2 Oral Presentations.
Revision Checklist.
WE3 (cont.).: reviewing draft in pairs through the Narrative Elements on the Revision Checklist.
"The Office" - group analyses, class feedback and discussion.

- 2nd draft of WE3, taking into account class feedback and the Revision Checklist topics.

Beginnings and endings: writing from models

5 Outubro 2015, 14:00 EDUARDA MELO CABRITA

Reading, discussin and matching beginnings and endings.
Writing from models: discussing literary devices.
The narrator's voice.
Writing prompts for a short story.

Suggested further reading: Narrative fiction by Shlomith Rimmon-Kenan

Iris Murdoch's writer block. Dahl's "The Sound Machine". WE3.

5 Outubro 2015, 10:00 Bernardo Manzoni Palmeirim

NH U2 - Iris Murdoch's writer block: reading comprehension and vocabulary. 

Plot twists and getting out early: Dahl's "The Sound Machine".
Writing Ex.3: kickstarting a story from a grammatically-constructed first sentence. 

Finish WE3 first draft.

Writing from models

30 Setembro 2015, 14:00 EDUARDA MELO CABRITA

Writing from models: analysing great beginnings.Students read and discussed the beginning of novels and short stories.
Excerpts from 

Capote's 'A Christmas memory', 
Harper Lee's To kill a mocking bird
Cheever's Bullet Park
'Kafka's Metamorphosis
Melville's Moby Dick
Levy's Small island
Twain's Huckleberry Finn
Dickens's Tale of Two Cities
Salinger's Catcher in the Rye

What makes a great beginning?Discussing literary devices.