
From novel into film

16 Dezembro 2016, 10:00 Isabel Maria da Cunha Rosa Fernandes

Screening of the last half hour of Peter Webber's film adaptation of the novel by Chevalier.
On the realtionship between novel and film: diferences and similarities.
The constraints and the advantages of the film medium.
End of term.

From novel into film

16 Dezembro 2016, 10:00 Isabel Maria da Cunha Rosa Fernandes

Screening of the last half hour of Peter Webber's film adaptation of the novel by Chevalier.

On the relationship between novel and film: differences and similarities.

The constraints and the advantages of the film medium.

End of term.

From novel into film

14 Dezembro 2016, 10:00 Isabel Maria da Cunha Rosa Fernandes

Some final considerations on Chevalier's novel.
Introduction to the 2003 film adaptation of Chevalier's novel by Peter Webber.
Screeing of the first hour of the film.

From novel into film

14 Dezembro 2016, 10:00 Isabel Maria da Cunha Rosa Fernandes

Some final considerations on Chevalier's novel.
Introduction to the 2003 film adaptation of Chevalier's novel by Peter Webber.
Screeing of the first hour of the film.

Falta autorizada pela FLUL

9 Dezembro 2016, 10:00 Serafina Martins

Docência na Universidade Mohamed V (Rabat) ao abrigo de protocolo existente entre esta Universidade, a Universidade de Lisboa e o Instituto Camões.