
Writing Workshop

16 Maio 2017, 12:00 Hilda Alexandra Prazeres Eusebio

Today TP7 carried out a Writing Workshop.

The exercises were:

1.  Free Writing

  • For the next five minutes, you will have to write non-stop.
  • You must not take your pen off the paper and you must not stop writing until the bell goes off.
  • When you don’t know what to write, just keep writing the last word you wrote over and over again until new words or sentences come to mind.
    • It doesn’t matter how often you write the word over and over again.
  • If you make a mistake, don’t scratch it out – keep writing.
  • You can write about anything.
  • What you write about doesn’t have to make sense – it can be abstract.
  • No one will see this writing – it is just for you.
  • There is no right or wrong in this exercise – it is just for you.

2. Free Writing with Focus

  • For the next seven minutes, you will have to write non-stop.
  • You must not take your pen off the paper and you must not stop writing until the bell goes off.
  • When you don’t know what to write, just keep writing the last word you wrote over and over again until new words or sentences come to mind.
    • It doesn’t matter how often you write the word over and over again.
  • If you make a mistake, don’t scratch it out – keep writing.
  • You will take a sentence or section of the previous text and write another text inspired by that extract.
  • What you write about doesn’t have to make sense – it can be abstract.
  • No one will see this writing – it is just for you.
  • There is no right or wrong in this exercise – it is just for you.

3. Focused Writing

  • You have 20 minutes to write a:
    • short story OR
    • diary entry OR
    • memoir OR
    • letter OR
    • abstract piece
  • …based on one or more of 8 images provided.

  • Students can ask the teacher questions regarding vocabular, spelling, anything...

4. Free Writing to Music (Mozart's Lacrimosa)

  • Finally…

  • Write a piece to this piece of music.
  • It can be anything:
    • A piece of abstract writing;
    • A poem;
    • A short story;
    • A (love or hate) letter;
    • Etc….
  • No one is going to see it – but you can always share it!
  • You have the duration of the piece to write it - but it will be played twice!

Speaking workshop

11 Maio 2017, 12:00 Hilda Alexandra Prazeres Eusebio

Speaking workshop.

Students carried out three speaking exercises.

1. Speed Dating

  • You’re looking for the love of your life, right?
  • Here’s what you’re going to do:

    • Each person will be given a letter ‘A’ or ‘B’;
    • All of the ‘A’s will remain seated;
    • All of the ‘B’s will rotate clockwise;
    • Each conversation will last five minutes;
    • Each of you will have, therefore, about 2.5 minutes to provide the listener with the following information:

      • Your name
      • Where you’re from;
      • What you do for a living or what you’re doing at the moment;
      • What your goals are for your future in terms of family, career, location.
      • What your qualities are and what you feel you have to offer someone;
      • What you look for in the perfect partner;
      • What you’re willing to compromise on;
      • Your ‘dealbreakers’ (i.e. what you simply will not accept in someone).

2.  The Tate Museum

  • You’re going to go around the art gallery in pairs.
  • Each time you approach a painting or photo, you will discuss the following with your partner:
    • What you think the painting is about or what you think is happening in it;
    • Anything you may know about the artist;
    • What the painting/photo makes you feel and why;
    • What it reminds you of or makes you think of;
    • Anything else the painting/photo inspires you to talk about.

  • You have 20 minutes to see the whole gallery.
  • You do not have to see all of the images or spend the same amount of time with each image.
  • You are free to do exactly as you would in a real gallery.

3. Your Oral Presentation

  • Tell your partner about your upcoming oral presentation.
  • Include information such as:
    • The topic;
    • Why you chose your topic;
    • Any information you would like to give on the topic;
    • Your goals for your oral presentation (i.e. what you would like people to understand or learn);
    • Your hopes and fears abour your presentation.

Grammar Questions and Answers

9 Maio 2017, 12:00 Hilda Alexandra Prazeres Eusebio

As insuficiente students showed up to do the speaking workshop, the three students that did show were given a small grammar workshop where concerns and doubts were raised and clarified in class.

Students then went on to do in-class grammar exercises.

Grammar continued...

4 Maio 2017, 12:00 Hilda Alexandra Prazeres Eusebio

Students learned about the different uses of the Gerund and the Infinitive.

Students went on to do some in-class exercises ( to see how their verbs are coming along.

Students should carry on with practicing these at home!

Grammar continued...

2 Maio 2017, 12:00 Hilda Alexandra Prazeres Eusebio

Today we learned about the different uses of the Present Perfect, the Present Perfect Continuous, the Past Perfect and the Past Perfect Continuous.

Students should do the respective homework as stipulated in their coursebook - this includes the online exercises ( and the exercises from the grammar books.

Students should be aware that the perfect will feature in the final exam.