

6 Abril 2017, 12:00 Hilda Alexandra Prazeres Eusebio

Students carried out their mid-term listening test.

Following this students were given important information regarding their:

  • Major Writing Project
  • Oral Presentation

The Major Writing Project

•Writing project

  • 20% of your final mark
  • due 9th May
  • Your writing project can be one of the following:
    • A biography or autobiography
    • A letter to someone (this can be purely fictional).
    • A diary/journal entry
    • A blog entry
    • A short story

  • If you wish your written project to be something else, please come and discuss your idea with me first before you begin your project.
  • Your writing project should be a minimum of 400 and a maximum of 550 words.
  • If you need support with your assignment, please let me know and we can book a tutorial.

The Oral Presentation

•Oral presentations are worth 20% of your final grade.

•You must speak for a minimum of 4 minutes and a maximum of 8 minutes.

•The presentation will be on a topic of your choice.

•You can do the presentation on your own or in a group but each person must speak a minimum of 4 minutes and a maximum of 8.

•Please inform me of your date and topic as soon as possible.

•You may use visual aids such as the whiteboard (I can give you a marker) or use a PowerPoint to make your presentation more interesting.

•You can use video or audio clips in your presentation but these do not count towards your 4 minute minimum yet must be within the 8 minute maximum.

Do not repeat last year’s presentation and do not plagiarize.

Do not read your presentation - this will result in a 0.

Do not memorize your presentation word for word - this will result in a 0.

•Students may be asked questions at the end of their presentation - if asked questions by the teacher or by other students, try to answer these in long answers and avoid 1-2 word answers.

•Your notes may be requested at the end of the exam - if this happens, you must hand them over to the teacher.

Reading Comprehension - Travel

4 Abril 2017, 12:00 Hilda Alexandra Prazeres Eusebio

Students started off by doing the Bingo! exercise from the Free Time section of the course book.

They then went on to read the Travel texto from the course book and answer the corresponding comprehension questions.

After Easter, they will do the listening exercise from the same section and answer the corresponding question and go on to do the in-class writing exercise.

Reading Comprehension and Listening: Free Time

30 Março 2017, 12:00 Hilda Alexandra Prazeres Eusebio

Students read the Free Time article, learned key words and vocabular and answered the comprehension questions.

They then went on to listen to the Free Time Activities recording and answered all questions.

In-class Writing

28 Março 2017, 12:00 Hilda Alexandra Prazeres Eusebio

Students corrected the mistakes from their homework assignments and began the process of recopying their perfected assignments.

Students also did the in-class writing assignment from the Accommodation section of their coursebook.

Next class, we will do the reading, listening and, hopefully, speaking exercises from the following section: Free Time.

Accommodation - Part 2

23 Março 2017, 12:00 Hilda Alexandra Prazeres Eusebio

TP7 did the listening and speaking exercises on Accommodation.

Next class we will be doing the writing activity and then moving on to the next topic: Free Time.