
Class cancelled

22 Abril 2021, 15:30 Hilda Alexandra Prazeres Eusebio

Today's class was cancelled due to the fact that no students came.

Next class: we will be carrying out our third Writing Workshop.

Michael Morpurgo's The White Horse of Zennor

21 Abril 2021, 15:30 Hilda Alexandra Prazeres Eusebio

Today we continued to read Michael Morpurgo's The White Horse of Zennor.

Michael Morpurgo's The White Horse of Zennor

16 Abril 2021, 15:30 Hilda Alexandra Prazeres Eusebio

Today we continued to read Michael Morpurgo's The White Horse of Zennor.

Michael Morpurgo's The White Horse of Zennor

15 Abril 2021, 15:30 Hilda Alexandra Prazeres Eusebio

Today we continued to read Michael Morpurgo's The White Horse of Zennor.

Next class: we will carry on with our reading.

Michael Morpurgo's White Horse of Zennor

14 Abril 2021, 15:30 Hilda Alexandra Prazeres Eusebio

Today we continued to read Michael Morpurgo's The White Horse of Zennor.

Next class: we will carry on with our reading.