
MIchael Morpurgo's The White Horse of Zennor

5 Maio 2021, 15:30 Hilda Alexandra Prazeres Eusebio

Today we continued to read Michael Morpurgo's The White Horse of Zennor.

Michael Morpurgo's The White Horse of Zennor

30 Abril 2021, 15:30 Hilda Alexandra Prazeres Eusebio

Today we continued to read Michael Morpurgo's The White Horse of Zennor.

Following this, the teacher modelled an oral presentation on The White Horse of Zennor.

Ana Rodrigues will be doing her oral presentation on Michael Morpurgo's Milk for the Cat; António Marujo will be doing his oral presentation on 'Gone to Sea'.

The PowerPoint of the teacher's oral presentation on The White Horse of Zennor can be found in the shared drive.

Rules for the Oral Presentation:
  • Oral presentations are worth 30% of your final grade.
  • You must speak for a minimum of 4 minutes and a maximum of 6 minutes.
  • The presentation will be on one of the Michael Morpurgo stories from The White Horse of Zennor and Other Stories.
  • You must include a PowerPoint to make your presentation more interesting.
  • Do not plagiarize.
  • Do not read your presentation - this will result in a 0.
  • Do not memorize your presentation word for word - this will result in a 0.
  • Students may be asked questions at the end of their presentation - if asked questions by the teacher or by other students, try to answer these in long answers and avoid 1-2 word answers.
  • Your notes may be requested at the end of the exam - if this happens, you must hand them over to the teacher.


  • What does your story have in common with the other stories?  Do they share any common themes?
  • How does your story differ from the other stories?
  • What challenging vocabulary did you come across in your story - share with the class.
  • Plot summary.


No students

29 Abril 2021, 15:30 Hilda Alexandra Prazeres Eusebio

Today's lecture didn't happen as I waited for 20 whole minutes and no one showed up.

Michael Morpurgo's The White Horse of Zennor

28 Abril 2021, 15:30 Hilda Alexandra Prazeres Eusebio

Today we continued to read Michael Morpurgo's The White Horse of Zennor.

Writing Workshop - Part 3

23 Abril 2021, 15:30 Hilda Alexandra Prazeres Eusebio

Today we carried out our third and final Writing Workshop.

  • Warm Up - 5 Senses:
    • Close your eyes and stay still. Maybe you’re in your bedroom, maybe you’re in a coffee shop, maybe you’re at FLUL, it doesn’t matter where you are…
    • Ask yourself: what do you smell?  What do you hear?  What do you taste? What’s the temperature? What do you feel? Finally…open your eyes and look around you.  What do you see?
    • Write a 1st person text that describes where you are and your sensorial experience in it.
      • You have 10 minutes.
  • Exercise 1: 5 Senses - Stage 2
    • Choose one of the Edward Hopper paintings you’re about to see.
    • Imagine you are one of the characters in the paintings.
    • Write down what you:
      • Smell
      • Taste
      • Feel (physically/touch)
      • Hear
      • See
        • You have 15 minutes.
  • Exercise 2: Dear Diary
    • Now imagine that your character from the painting is writing a diary entry.
    • Describe how they feel, in other words, what their mood is.
    • Try to integrate the sensorial elements from the previous exercise.
    • Your character can write about something that happened that day, or about their dreams, their frustrations, anything, just like a real diary.
    • This is a 1st person text – you are the character.
      • You have 20-30 minutes to write this text.
Next class: hopefully, we should be having a spare class this Sunday (April 25th) in order to carry out our Speaking Workshop - Part 2 with some of my C1.1 students from TP13.