
First Writing Workshop - Part 2

19 Fevereiro 2021, 15:30 Hilda Alexandra Prazeres Eusebio

Today, TP4 carried on with its writing workshop.

  • Exercise 4: Free Writing to Music.
  • Exercise 5: Write a 250-300 word composition based on ONE of the following topics:
    • Write about an experience that made you very happy.
    • What do you really want to change about your life? How could you do it?
    • If I were invisible, I would…
    • Write about a time when you found it difficult to forgive someone.
    • What is your biggest fear? –What does getting old mean to you?
Homework: the first writing assignment is due on the 22nd of February.  It can be a rewrite of any of the texts written during the two parts of the First Writing Workshop, or it can be a new text inspired by one of more of the previous texts.

Writing Workshop 1: Part 1

18 Fevereiro 2021, 15:30 Hilda Alexandra Prazeres Eusebio

Today, TP4 finished looking at direction prepositions. To properly study for direction prepositions, students should look at the tutorial on direction prepositions by clicking on the following link:

We then carried out the first 3 exercises of the first part of their first Writing Workshop:
  • Warm Up Exercise: Letter List
    • The teacher will tell you a letter from the alphabet.
    • For the next two minutes, you will have to write a list of words that begin with that letter.
    • You cannot stop writing until the two minutes are up.
    • Rest – count how many words you came up with.
    • Repeat with another letter…and another if you’re up for it.
  • Exercise 1: Free Writing
    • For the next five minutes, you will have to write non-stop.
    • You must not take your pen off the paper and you must not stop writing until the bell goes off.
    • When you don’t know what to write, just keep writing the last word you wrote over and over again until new words or sentences come to mind.
      • It doesn’t matter how often you write the word over and over again.
    • If you make a mistake, don’t scratch it out – keep writing. •You can write about anything. •What you write about doesn’t have to make sense – it can be abstract.
    • No one will see this writing – it is just for you.
    • There is no right or wrong in this exercise – it is just for you.
  • Exercise 2: Free Writing with Focus
    • For the next seven minutes, you will have to write non-stop.
    • You must not take your pen off the paper and you must not stop writing until the bell goes off.
    • When you don’t know what to write, just keep writing the last word you wrote over and over again until new words or sentences come to mind.
      •  –It doesn’t matter how often you write the word over and over again.
    • If you make a mistake, don’t scratch it out – keep writing.
    • You will take a sentence or section of the previous text and write another text inspired by that extract.
    • What you write about doesn’t have to make sense – it can be abstract.
    • No one will see this writing – it is just for you.
    • There is no right or wrong in this exercise – it is just for you.
  • Exercise 3: Image-Inspired Focused Writing
    • You have 20 minutes to write a:
      • short story OR
      • diary entry OR
      • a letter OR
      • an abstract piece

        …based on one or more of the 8 images displayed on the PowerPoint.

Next class: we will be carrying out Part 2 of our First Writing Workshop and discussing the first homework assignment.


17 Fevereiro 2021, 15:30 Hilda Alexandra Prazeres Eusebio

There was no class today due to the Carnival holiday.

Grammar: Prepositions

12 Fevereiro 2021, 15:30 Hilda Alexandra Prazeres Eusebio

Today, we finished off Location prepositions and moved on to Time and Position prepositions.  Again, people who have been missing classes should read the PowerPoint on prepositions which can be found in the shared drive and do the homework.


Next class: we will finish directional prepositions and that will be the end of grammar!

Grammar: location prepositions

11 Fevereiro 2021, 15:30 Hilda Alexandra Prazeres Eusebio

Today, TP4 (nearly) finished location prepositions.

Next class: we will finish location prepositions and move on to time, direction and position prepositions.  Anyone missing these (really important) classes should read the PowerPoints at home (they're in the shared drive) and do the homework.

Homework: please do the following exercises: