
Watching: The Extra Man

2 Novembro 2015, 14:00 Ana Rita Martins

Watching: The Extra Man

HOMEWORK: Complete question on film (page 39)

"Dead Men's Path" by Chinua Achebe.

2 Novembro 2015, 14:00 Isabel Maria Ferro Mealha

Reading and discussion of the short story "Dead Men's Path" by Chinua Achebe (depiction of main character; point of view; plot; main theme). Talking about superstitions and beliefs. HOMEWORK: Exercise 4, pages 48-49.

Watching: The Extra Man

2 Novembro 2015, 10:00 Ana Rita Martins

Watching: The Extra Man

HOMEWORK: Complete question on film (page 39)

Watching: The Extra Man

2 Novembro 2015, 08:00 Ana Rita Martins

Watching: The Extra Man

HOMEWORK: Complete question on film (page 39)

Letters of advice continued. DVD view: Anuta.

29 Outubro 2015, 08:00 Isabel Maria Ferro Mealha

Writing a letter of advice in class continued: (a) writing an answer to one of the letters from Graham Norton's Problem Page (The Telegraph); (b) reading your letter of advice to the class; (c) reading through Graham Norton's letters and comparing them with your own letter. HOMEWORK: Read the text on page 59 ("One of the most remote communities on Earth: Anuta").