"Eye Witness" by Ed McBain continued. If- clauses. A listening comprehension exercise.
14 Outubro 2015, 14:00 • Isabel Maria Ferro Mealha
Discussion of the short story "Eye Witness" by Ed McBain continued. Focus on vocabulary from the story (pp 31-32). Main ingredients of a crime story (exercise 6, p. 32). A listening comprehension exercise: "A clip round the ear". Grammar practice: If- clauses (the three types of conditional sentences).
Reading & Discussion
14 Outubro 2015, 14:00 • Ana Rita Martins
Grammar: Reported Speech. In-class exercises.
Reading & Discussion: "Monsters" by Zadie Smith.
HOMEWORK: Finish reading "Monsters" and look at question on page 37.
Reading & Discussion
14 Outubro 2015, 10:00 • Ana Rita Martins
Grammar: Reported Speech. In-class exercises.
Reading & Discussion: "Monsters" by Zadie Smith.
HOMEWORK: Finish reading "Monsters" and look at question on page 37.
Reading & Debating
14 Outubro 2015, 08:00 • Ana Rita Martins
Grammar: Reported Speech. In-class exercises.
Reading & Discussion: "Monsters" by Zadie Smith.
HOMEWORK: Finish reading "Monsters" and look at question on page 37.
"Eye Witness" by Ed McBain. Possessive case.
13 Outubro 2015, 08:00 • Isabel Maria Ferro Mealha
Grammar practice: The possessive case. The short story "Eye Witness" by Ed McBain: (a) vocabulary building (crime words); (b) reading and discussion of the short story. HOMEWORK: 1. Exercises 2, 3 and 4 (pp. 30-32). 2. Read through pages 102-103 and do the exercises on pages104-105.