31 Outubro 2018, 12:00 • Margarida Vale de Gato
Warm-up: Recycling vocabulary. Group work activity: Each group had to choose 5 words on a separate piece of paper from an envelope, and write a “spooky Halloween” story which included the words they had chosen: thief, (to) murder, kidnapper, (to) mug, robber, (to) rob, robbery, effect, trigger, (to) interfere, chronic, acute, earthquake, drought, extinction, greenhouse effect, (to) recycle waste, flood, acid rain, (to) stroke, put something at risk, (to) trigger, (to) mutter, tuition fee, desertification, (to) steal, theft, murder, (to) kidnap, mugger. All groups had to read the story out loud in front of the class.
Listening-Vocabulary: The Teacher's Halloween Special from
The video teaches three idiomatic expressions concerning fear:
· shaking like a leaf
· scared stiff
· It sends shivers up and down my spine.
Speaking: Free discussion about fear.
Group work activity: discussion paranormal activities. Groups had to choose a topic randomly: Have you ever been to see a fortune teller or psychic? If so, do you think it was worth the money?/ What numbers are lucky in your country? Unlucky? Do you have a lucky number? Unlucky?/ What do you do for good luck? Do you think it works?/ What sign are you? Do you think your personality reflects this?/ Do you believe in ESP? Can some people know what other people are thinking or feeling?/ What do you know about Nostradamus? Do you think that some people can predict the future?/ Do you believe in ghosts? What are they? Have you ever seen or felt one?
Reading comprehension: “Ocean Pollution: A Deadly Mess” Questions, page 3
Summary writing: skimming the text: “Student who handed £1 to a homeless man” B1.2 Workbook p. 21-22.
Homework: Write a summary of the text.
My Extreme Animal Phobia explores fears of creatures big and small".
29 Outubro 2018, 16:00 • Isabel Maria Ferro Mealha
"My Extreme Animal Phobia explores fears of creatures big and small": (a) writing a summary of the article continued (in-class pair/group assignment); (b) editing students' summaries. Grammar practice: defining and non-defining relative clauses; contact clauses. HOMEWORK: Please do the exercise with 20 sentences to be rewritten with a new beginning that I sent by email.
My Extreme Animal Phobia explores fears of creatures big and small".
29 Outubro 2018, 14:00 • Isabel Maria Ferro Mealha
"My Extreme Animal Phobia explores fears of creatures big and small": (a) writing a summary of the article continued (in-class pair/group assignment); (b) editing students' summaries. Grammar practice: defining and non-defining relative clauses; contact clauses. HOMEWORK: Please do the exercise with 20 sentences to be rewritten with a new beginning that I sent by email.
Phobias and Essay Writing
26 Outubro 2018, 12:00 • Margarida Vale de Gato
Warm-up: Recycling vocabulary: A fairy tale: Each student had to choose a word on a separate piece of paper from an envelope. The class invented a story about a little girl who lived next to a poppy field in an imaginary city: Every student added a sentence to the story which incorporated the word they had chosen: jaywalking, refugee, asylum seeker, eye witness, withhold evidence, stab, seek, flee, creep, to stroke, scuba diving, challenge, snorkelling, hang gliding, fencing, kidnapper, mug, breaststroke, drape, attempt, grown-up, tough, outstanding, determination, mutter, etc.
Pre-reading activity: difficult and related words on the whiteboard. Sts had to guess their meaning.
Reading: “My extreme Animal Phobia”, B1.2 Workbook, pages: 27-28
Post-Reading activity: Reading comprehension questions and then free discussion on the topic.
Writing an Essay in a formal style: rules explained, useful expressions, analysing a sample essay B1.2 Workbook, pages: 34-37
Planning your essay: brainstorming stage
Improving students’ vocabulary on the selected topic (Pollution)
Vocabulary exercise on pollution: 22 titles had to be matched with their definitions: acid rain, biodiversity, drought, recycle waste, deforestation, greenhouse effect, etc.
Sts watched a video by National Geographic "How many words from the glossary above did you hear?"
Homework: Write an essay on “What can young people do to prevent air pollution?”
"My Extreme Animal Phobia explores fears of creatures big and small".
24 Outubro 2018, 16:00 • Isabel Maria Ferro Mealha
"My Extreme Animal Phobia explores fears of creatures big and small": (a) reading the text aloud; (b) writing a summary of the article (to be continued on Monday): in-class pair/group assignment.
HOMEWORK: Relative clauses (pages 62-65).