
"My Extreme Animal Phobia explores fears of creatures big and small".

24 Outubro 2018, 14:00 Isabel Maria Ferro Mealha

"My Extreme Animal Phobia explores fears of creatures big and small": (a) reading the text aloud; (b) writing a summary of the article (to be continued on Monday): in-class pair/group assignment. 

HOMEWORK: Relative clauses (pages 62-65).

Phobias and Fears

24 Outubro 2018, 12:00 Margarida Vale de Gato

Warm-up: Group work activity: Each group had a piece of paper with different phobia types. Sts had to guess the objects of fear:

acousticophobia, acrophobia, agoraphobia, androphobia, Anglophobia, arachnophobia, aviophobia, bacillophobia, Bolshephobia, carcinophobia, chromophobia, claustrophobia, coulrophobia, cyclophobia, dentophobia, Francophobia, hydrophobia ,homophobia, insectophobia, musophobia, wiccaphobia, zoophobia, venustraphobia, andphasmophobia


After 5-minute guessing, another piece of paper was handed out with the list of related objects of fear, but in ABC order:

animals, beautiful women, bicycles, Bolsheviks, Britain, cancer, clowns, colours, confined spaces, dentists, flying, France, ghosts, heights, homosexuality, insects, noise, open spaces, spiders, water, witches, men, mice, microbes


Sts then had to choose 3 phobias they find difficult to identify themselves with such as homophobia, Anglophobia, etc. and 3 they could easily identify themselves with, and discuss it in group.

Pair work activity: Exercise 2 (animals and fear) B1.2 Workbook, page 29

Reading: “You Are Now Entering the Human Heart” by Janet Frame, page 30-32

Reading Comprehension: Exercise 3-4, page 33

Pair work activity: Exercise 5, Discussion: “Humiliating situations and teachers” page 33

Working with the text: Pair Wok Activity: Exercise 6

Homework: Read text “My extreme Animal Phobia”, page 27-28

"You are now entering the human heart" by Janet Frame.

22 Outubro 2018, 16:00 Isabel Maria Ferro Mealha

In-class individual assignments returned and commented upon.
Dramatised reading of "You are now entering the human heart" by Janet Frame. Discussion of the short story: plot; character analysis; main theme. Watching parts of the show "Extreme Animal Phobia". 
HOMEWORK: read the article on pages 27-28.

"You are now entering the human heart" by Janet Frame.

22 Outubro 2018, 14:00 Isabel Maria Ferro Mealha

In-class individual assignments returned and commented upon.
Dramatised reading of "You are now entering the human heart" by Janet Frame. Discussion of the short story: plot; character analysis; main theme. Watching parts of the show "Extreme Animal Phobia". 
HOMEWORK: read the article on pages 27-28.

Sport Challenges: Listening

19 Outubro 2018, 12:00 Margarida Vale de Gato

Warm-up: Pair work activity: Half of the students got pictures depicting sports, other half had the name of the sports on a piece of paper. They had to stand up, and find their matching partner. Then they had to work together and give a short definition of the sport selected in front of the class. Using key expressions such as group—individual sport, racing/ combat/ water/ winter/extreme sport, ball game, racket game, etc.

Vocabulary: scuba diving, snorkelling, hang gliding, diving, fencing, horse riding, cycling, kitesurfing, water ski, surfing, judo, swimming: breaststroke, backstroke, freestyle, butterfly stroke

All drawings were fixed on the Whiteboard with blu tack.

Pair work activity: Each student had to choose 3 sports from the whiteboard she or he had already tried, and 3 she or he had not, then speak about their experiences and dreams to be fulfilled.

Individual work: Reading exercise:  Exercise B B1.2 Workbook , page 24

Vocabulary exercise: Exercise C, page 24.

DVD Speaking Out Intermediate by Antonia Clare and JJ Wilson: Exercise D, page 24.

CD Speaking Out Intermediate by Antonia Clare and JJ Wilson: Listening comprehension: An Achievement, page 25.

Group work: Exercise C-D, page 25.

Homework: Read the short story: “You Are now Entering the Human Heart” by Janet Frame, page 30-32.