Summary writing of the short story "Eye witness" by Ed McBain.
8 Outubro 2018, 14:00 • Isabel Maria Ferro Mealha
Feedback on letters of advice.
"Eye witness" by Ed McBain.
3 Outubro 2018, 16:00 • Isabel Maria Ferro Mealha
"Eye witness" by Ed McBain; (a) dramatised reading of the story; (b) analysing the short story and discussing cultural references; (c) vocabulary exercises connected with words and expressions from the story (exercises 1, 2, and 3 on pages 19-20)..
"Eye witness" by Ed McBain.
3 Outubro 2018, 14:00 • Isabel Maria Ferro Mealha
"Eye witness" by Ed McBain; (a) dramatised reading of the story; (b) analysing the short story and discussing cultural references; (c) vocabulary exercises connected with words and expressions from the story (exercises 1, 2, and 3 on pages 19-20)..
"The Death of the Party"
3 Outubro 2018, 12:00 • Zuzanna Zarebska
Reading the article entitled, "The Death of the Party". Revison and work with the Present Perfect tense. PP
Exercises with irregular verbs.
3 Outubro 2018, 12:00 • Margarida Vale de Gato
1) Warm-up: Memory game (5 groups) Who can memorise more irregular verbs (3 forms: present, past, past participle)? Students had 1 minute to consult the irregular verb list, and then had to jot down as many as they could. Before the winning team read the verbs out loud, each team had to check the verbs, and correct them themselves.
2) Miming game: 15 cards with irregular verbs: creep, sweep, beat, bite, read, flee, feed, drive, swim, sit, etc. The class had to guess the verb. The first student who got the answer had to write the three forms of the verb on the White Board.
3) Exercise sheet: 3 exercises with past and perfect tenses and irregular verbs.
4) Writing a letter of advice. B1.2 Workbook p. 9-10.
5) Group work activity: Graham Norton’s Problem Page: Each group had to read the letter asking for advice, and form an opinion, suggest a solution, and then act it out in front of the class., p. 11-12.