
Countable and Uncountable Uses of Nouns

12 Outubro 2020, 14:00 EDUARDA MELO CABRITA

Countable and uncountable nouns 

Zoom class: Welcoming new students. Countable and uncountable uses of nouns.

12 Outubro 2020, 09:30 Isabel Maria Ferro Mealha

Zoom class: 

Welcoming new students. 
Countable and uncountable uses of nouns: (a) using some, any, much, many, a little, a few with countable and uncountable nouns; (b9 a multiple choice exercise about countable and uncountable nouns was done and checked during the Zoom lesson.HOMEWORK for 13th October: Do Task sheet 1 (sent by email).

Welcoming new students. Writing emails.

8 Outubro 2020, 11:00 Isabel Maria Ferro Mealha

Welcoming students who came today for the first time.

Email writing: 
(a) email etiquette (email address, subject line, greeting, language, confidentiality, closing); 
(b) informal, standard and formal emails;
 (c) practice in writing standard email: to be continued next in-house class.

Welcoming new students. Writing emails.

8 Outubro 2020, 09:30 Isabel Maria Ferro Mealha

Welcoming students who came today for the first time. 

Email writing: 
(a) email etiquette (email address, subject line, greeting, language, confidentiality, closing); 
(b) informal, standard and formal emails; 
(c) practice in writing standard email: to be continued next in-house class.

Countable and uncountable uses of nouns

7 Outubro 2020, 14:00 EDUARDA MELO CABRITA

Countable and uncountable nouns. 
Exercises on countable and uncountable uses of nouns.
Homework assignment: exercises on countable and uncountable uses of nouns