
Guy Fawkes Day

9 Novembro 2020, 14:00 EDUARDA MELO CABRITA

Reading ad discussing "In memory of Guy's big idea" (The Independent on Sunday, 31 October 1993) and "Guy Fawkes: Why do bonfires still burn 400 years on?" (BBC article) (pages 37-40 of the Workbook).

Zoom class: Bonfire Night continued.

9 Novembro 2020, 09:30 Isabel Maria Ferro Mealha

Zoom class: 

(a) Reading the article "In Memory of Guy's Big Idea" by Nick Hornby.
 (b) Discussion of the answers to the question about the article "Guy Fawkes: Why do bonfires still burn 400 years on?" (pp.38-40)-
HOMEWORK: Do the vocabulary exercise about Bonfire Night at home. The answers will be checked tomorrow.

Traditions (Unit 3): Bonfire Night aka the fifth of November

5 Novembro 2020, 11:00 Isabel Maria Ferro Mealha

Traditions (Unit 3): Bonfire Night aka the fifth of November:

(a) Speaking about a childhood friend
(b) Speaking about David Trainer's photographs of children with their guys
(c) Watching a video about Guy Fawkes and the Gunpowder Plot/Bonfire Night:
(d) Reading the article "In Memory of Guy's Big Idea" by Nick Hornby (to be continued on Monday's Zoom class).

HOMEWORK for Monday's Zoom class: please read the text "Guy Fawkes: Why do bonfires still burn 400 years on?" (pp.38-40) and answer the questions on page 40 (in The After Reading section) in writing.
HOMEWORK due on Tuesday, 10th November: an account of a major challenge or achievement (Further instructions sent by email)

Traditions (Unit 3): Bonfire Night aka the fifth of November

5 Novembro 2020, 09:30 Isabel Maria Ferro Mealha

Traditions (Unit 3): Bonfire Night aka the fifth of November:

(a) Speaking about a childhood friend
(b) Speaking about David Trainer's photographs of children with their guys
(c) Watching a video about Guy Fawkes and the Gunpowder Plot/Bonfire Night:
(d) Reading the article "In Memory of Guy's Big Idea" by Nick Hornby (to be continued on Monday's Zoom class).

HOMEWORK for Monday's Zoom class: please read the text "Guy Fawkes: Why do bonfires still burn 400 years on?" (pp.38-40) and answer the questions on page 40 (in The After Reading section) in writing.
HOMEWORK due on Tuesday, 10th November: an account of a major challenge or achievement (Further instructions sent by email)

Bonfire Night

4 Novembro 2020, 14:00 EDUARDA MELO CABRITA

Visualisation exercise as a way in to the text on Guy Fawkes Day.
Writing and reading out a paragraph about a friend students had at 7.
Vocabulary expansion.

Used to, to be used to, and habit in the present.
Negative and interrogative sentences : past simple and present simple.