
Feedback on first writing test. Negative and interrogative sentences.

17 Novembro 2020, 11:00 Isabel Maria Ferro Mealha

Feedback on first writing test: (a) capitalisation rules; (b) 'other' and 'another'; (c) word division; (d) 'it' and 'this'; (e) this, these, that, those; (f) basic punctuation rules; (g) leading forms of irregular verbs.

Grammar practice: checking the answers to Task sheet 5 (Negative and interrogative sentences).

Feedback on first writing test. Negative and interrogative sentences.

17 Novembro 2020, 09:30 Isabel Maria Ferro Mealha

Feedback on first writing test: (a) capitalisation rules; (b) 'other' and 'another'; (c) word division; (d) 'it' and 'this'; (e) this, these, that, those; (f) basic punctuation rules; (g) leading forms of irregular verbs.

Grammar practice: checking the answers to Task sheet 5 (Negative and interrogative sentences).

Discussing oral presentations. Negative and interrogative forms of verbs in the present simple ans past simple

16 Novembro 2020, 14:00 EDUARDA MELO CABRITA

Discussing oral presentations. How to organise, prepare and give an oral presentation
Negative and interrogative forms of verbs in the present simple ans past simple

Zoom class: "I was swallowed by a hippo"

16 Novembro 2020, 09:30 Isabel Maria Ferro Mealha

 Reading and analysis of "I was swallowed by a hippo" by Paul Templer (The Guardian): (a) answering the reading comprehension questions on page 20; (b) a sentence transformation exercise based on the same article.

HOMEWORK: Task sheet 5 (sent by email).

Remembrance Day continued. Negative and interrogative sentences.

12 Novembro 2020, 11:00 Isabel Maria Ferro Mealha

Remembrance Day continued: (a) a fill-in-the-blanks about Remembrance Day - a vocabulary exercise; (b) watching a short video about the 2020 Remembrance Sunday celebrations.

Negative and interrogative sentences: checking the answers to the exercise about negative and interrogative sentences on pages 80-82.
HOMEWORK: Read the text on pages 18-19 and do the exercises on page 20 of the Workbook.