
March 19th - Language Craft and Êlements of Cinema

19 Março 2024, 08:00 Kathryn Gray Craven

Referring back to "Connectors" exercise from earlier, in groups we rewrote and assessed sentences, with the following goals:  a) keeping the same information; b) grammatically correct; c) elegance and d) concision of the sentece. Sentences 3, 5 and number 8 on page two.

Homework, read the elements of  cinema text for next class:

Questions:  a) Presentations are worth 15%; and  b) other forms of artwork may be reviewed, pending instructor approval.  

Circus: Cirque du Soleil's Kurios

18 Março 2024, 17:00 Hilda Alexandra Prazeres Eusebio

Today, TP2 watched the first half of Cirque du Soleil's 'Kurios' - those who wish to watch the second half (and those who missed today's class) can watch the rest of the show on the following link:

We then went on to read The Guardian's review.  This has been uploaded on to the shared Google drive for anyone who missed today's class.

Next class: English in Use Test.

Lesson March 14th

14 Março 2024, 08:00 Kathryn Gray Craven

1. Clarified doubts about sentences to be rewritten.
2. Revised the essential elements of music.
    Clarified the difference between chorus and refrain
3. Listened to "Anthem" by Leonard Cohen
4. In groups discussed students' reactions to the song as guided by the essentail elements of music.
5. Fed back about the song
6. Speed reading of a review.

Homework - finish reading the text, summarize and mine for sexy expressions.

Review: Guillermo del Toro's The Shape of Water.

13 Março 2024, 17:00 Hilda Alexandra Prazeres Eusebio

Today, TP2 finished reading The Guardian's review on the Harlem Renaissance and Transatlantic Modernism exhibit at the Met.  Following this, we read The Guardian's review on Guillermo del Toro's The Shape of Water.

Anyone who missed today's class can access these reviews in the respective folders on the shared Google drive and should catch up on the reading while identifying the persuasive techniques.

March 12, 2024

12 Março 2024, 08:00 Kathryn Gray Craven

1. Answered questions
2. Concision workshop. Corrected student examples of wordy sentences, by turning relative clauses and prepositional phrases into adjectives, and eliminating obvious text
3. Gave peer feedback on DR 3.