
Visual Art: The Harlem Renaissance and Transatlantic Modernism at the Met.

11 Março 2024, 17:00 Hilda Alexandra Prazeres Eusebio

Today, TP2 saw the rest of the Harlem Renaissance and Transatlantic Modernism exhibit at the Met.  Anyone who missed today's class can see the PowerPoint in the respective folder on the shared Google drive.  Please note that there are two PowerPoints with this exhibit: one with and one without extracts from the exhibit booklet.

We then went on to read the first half of The Guardian's review on the exhibit.  This has also been uploaded onto the shared Google drive and students who missed today's class should go through the PPTs and read the text.

Next class: we will finish reading the review and go on to read a review of Guillermo del Toro's The Shape of Water.

March 7th

7 Março 2024, 08:00 Kathryn Gray Craven

1. Answering questions
2. Paraphrasing practice, using synonyms and altering the form of words.
3. Error Correction

Visual Art: The Harlem Renaissance and Transatlantic Modernism at the Met.

6 Março 2024, 17:00 Hilda Alexandra Prazeres Eusebio

Today, TP2 we looked at the first half (or third? or quarter?) of the Harlem Renaissance and Transatlantic Modernism exhibit at the Met.

Next class: we will look at the rest of the art.

Television: The Young Pope

4 Março 2024, 17:00 Hilda Alexandra Prazeres Eusebio

Today, TP2 reading two reviews on The Young Pope, one positive and negative, from The Guardian and Vanity Fair respectively.  Anyone who missed today's class should read these articles which have been uploaded onto the shared Google drive.  Remember: always look for the persuasive writing techniques.

Next class: Visual Art: The Harlem Renaissance and Transatlantic Modernism at the Met.

12th Lesson

29 Fevereiro 2024, 08:00 Kathryn Gray Craven

!. Anwer questions about reviews
2. Practice CPE Use of English, Part 2
A Pretest -
B All exercises here:

3. Peer Review of writing. See criteria on class powerpoint.
  1. Word count 500-750. 
  2. The creator should be described, including their artistic context,.
  3. During this phase(diary phase) the word count doesn't need to be perfect. For the final piece, it does.l
  4. Visuals are fine: they enhance thw work considerably. Nonetheless, care should be taken to describe the art works in words, without asking the pciture to do the work for you. 
  5. This is not painting by numbers. There is not a rule for how much factual information you should include, nor how much person reaction and reflection.
  6. Their are two main goals:  to grab the attention of the reader, give enough descriptive detail so I will know if I want to engage wit the piece (using the technical vocabulary apporpriate for tht type of artwork in your review) and suggesting or recommending against the piece.