

26 Janeiro 2023, 09:30 Gaile Parkin

Small group discussion about what makes something funny. Feedback to the class.

Presentation of three theories of comedy – Incongruity; Superiority; Relief – with video examples.

Online quiz to determine personal humour style, then discussions in groups referring to types of humour in the Coursebook.

Homework: 1) Do the Enneagram quiz to establish your personality type. 2) Explore, learn and practice the vocabulary relating to describing character in units 8-14 of English Vocabulary in Use.

introduction to the English

25 Janeiro 2023, 17:00 John Richard Walker

What comes into your mind when you think about the English?

Collecting descriptors.

Introduction to Narrative Writing

25 Janeiro 2023, 15:30 Hilda Alexandra Prazeres Eusebio

Today we went through the Introduction to Narrative Writing PowerPoint and looked at the basic rules regarding first, second and third voice narratives.

Students who missed today's lesson should go through the PowerPoint which is located in the shared Google drive.  

If you still have not been added to the drive, please send me an email with the email address you would like me to add to the drive so that you can access all course work materials.

Next class: we will have our introduction to the Second Person Narrative.

Introduction to crime fiction

25 Janeiro 2023, 11:00 Cláudia Rute Canelas Pereira Duarte

Introduction to crime fiction


24 Janeiro 2023, 14:00 Kathryn Gray Craven


Speed Writing