
Guidelines for the Research Project

28 Fevereiro 2023, 09:30 Paula Alexandra Carvalho Alves Rodrigues Horta

Presentation of former students' Research Projects.

Reported speech

27 Fevereiro 2023, 14:00 Alexis Hannah Somerville

Review: reported speech 

Introduction to reporting verbs
Coursework information
Narrative tenses review

5-minute debates (II)

24 Fevereiro 2023, 15:30 Ana Rita Martins

Motion under debate:

  • This House would put the Catholic Church on trial
Reading & Discussion: “Here’s why a border-free world would be better than hostile immigration policies”

5-minute debates (II)

24 Fevereiro 2023, 12:30 Ana Rita Martins

Motions under debate:

  • This House would punish the Catholic Church (Motion carried)
  • This House believes who you know is more important than what you know (Motion defeated)

Oxford Union-style debates: Motions, Teams and Dates.

5-minute debates (II)

24 Fevereiro 2023, 11:00 Ana Rita Martins

Motions under debate:

  • This House would sack António Costa (Motion defeated)
  • This House Believes Too Many Kids Go to College (Motion carried)
  • This House finds sustainability unrealistic (Motion defeated)