
Students' Research Project Presentation

11 Abril 2023, 09:30 Paula Alexandra Carvalho Alves Rodrigues Horta

Peer-critique and teacher's feedback.

Would you walk your dog around the world?

10 Abril 2023, 14:00 Alexis Hannah Somerville

Phrasal verbs related to travel

Video listening: Would you walk your dog around the world?

Oxford Union-style Debate (Team debate)

31 Março 2023, 15:30 Ana Rita Martins

Oxford Union-style Debate:

  • "This House would ban fast fashion"

Argumentative Writing: Quick Revision

31 Março 2023, 12:30 Ana Rita Martins

Mock Grammar Test: Results & Feedback

Essay Writing: Marks & Feedback

Argumentative Writing: Quick Revision

Oxford Union-style Debate (Team debate)

31 Março 2023, 11:00 Ana Rita Martins

Oxford Union-style Debate:
  • "This House would outlaw hazing in Portugal" (motion failed)