
Analysis of the Community financial programming 2007-2013 period (cont.).

5 Dezembro 2018, 09:00 Alina Isabel Pereira Esteves

Analysis of the Community financial programming 2007-2013 period (cont.): the ex-post evaluation of the Cohesion Policy programme. The restructuring of the Lisbon strategy and the bailout of the Portuguese economy in 2011. Analysis of Ricardo Paes Mamede’s text “Causes, consequences and ways out of the crisis: a perspective of EU’s periphery”, Green European Journal, 2012, vol. 1, pp. 31-46. The students had to answer a set of questions pertaining to the text.




Ricardo Paes Mamede (2012) - “Causes, consequences and ways out of the crisis: a perspective of EU’s periphery”, Green European Journal, 2012, vol. 1, pp. 31-46.

Applica, Ismeri Europa and Cambridge Economic Associates (2016) - Ex-post evaluation of Cohesion Policy programmes 2007-2013, focusing on the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) and the Cohesion Fund (CF). Brussels, European Commission.


Bengt-Åke Lundvall & Edward Lorenz (2014) - “The Euro Crisis and the Failure of the Lisbon Strategy”, in Teixeira, A.; Silva, E. & Paes Mamede, R. (eds.), Structural change, competitiveness and industrial policy: Painful lessons from the European periphery, p. 80-101. Oxon, Routledge,. (

Pedro Lourtie (2011) – “Understanding Portugal in the Context of the Euro Crisis”, Paper prepared for Resolving the European Debt Crisis, a conference hosted by the Peterson Institute for International Economics and Bruegel, Chantilly, France, September 13-14, 2011. (



Analysis of the Community financial programming 2007-2013 period.

3 Dezembro 2018, 09:00 Alina Isabel Pereira Esteves

Analysis of the Community financial programming 2007-2013 period. Priorities for the Development of the Portuguese Regions. The Community strategic guidelines for Cohesion Policy 2007-2013. The new rules on the regional eligibility of interventions and the different access to funds by the Portuguese regions. The design and strategic priorities for the application of funds in Portugal. Implementation of the Structural and Cohesion Funds for the 2007-2013 period by region and fund.

In the second part of the class the students and the teacher participated in the interactive workshop organized by Dr. Meghann Ormond “Roots Guide: The Dutch Stories”.



Fundação Francisco Manuel dos Santos e Sociedade de Consultores Augusto Mateus & Associados, (2015) Três décadas de Portugal europeu: balanço e perspectivas, Julho de 2015. Lisboa, Fundação Francisco Manuel dos Santos. ( ).

Harvey Armstrong (2011) “Regional policy”, in Ali M. El-Agraa (ed.), The European Union Economics and Policies, 9th edition, chapter 22, pp. 348-363. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press.




IV – Effects of EU enlargement to the East: 4.3 – Concerning the structure of Portuguese imports and exports. Recommendations for strengthening Portugal’s export performance.

28 Novembro 2018, 09:00 Alina Isabel Pereira Esteves

Analysis of N. Crespo, M. P. Fontoura and F. Barry’s text “EU Enlargement and the Portuguese Economy” (2004). The students had to answer a set of questions pertaining to the text. Recommendations for strengthening Portugal’s export performance based on a report by an OECD expert: “Regulation in services sectors, Labour markets and skills, Access to finance for firms, Taxes, Judicial reform and Innovation and technology”.



Nuno Crespo, Maria Paula Fontoura and Frank Barry (2004) - “EU Enlargement and the Portuguese Economy”, The World Economy, vol. 27 (6), pp. 781-802 (available at: or )

Jens Arnold (2015) - Boosting export performance in Portugal. OECD Economics Department, working papers No. 1257. (available at




Support to students’ research essays.

26 Novembro 2018, 09:00 Alina Isabel Pereira Esteves

Support to students’ research essays.



Barros, C. P. (2014) – “The Nordic Tourists in the Atlantic Islands of Azores, Madeira and Canaries”, Journal Scandinavian Journal of Hospitality and Tourism , Volume 13, 2014 - Issue sup1: Special Issue Supplement: The Nordic Tourists in the Atlantic Islands of Azores, Madeira and Canaries.

Sandra Dias Faria Maria Teresa Borges Tiago Flávio Gomes Borges Tiago João Pedro Couto (2014) “Tourism on the Azores and Madeira islands: issues of peripheral and development regions”, European Scientific Journal September 2014 /SPECIAL/ edition Vol.2 ISSN: 1857 – 7881 (Print) e - ISSN 1857- 7431.

Erasmus Agency (2017) - Portugal: Programme Erasmus+ National Evaluation Report Executive Summary.




IV – 4.2. The Effects of EU enlargement to the East in 2004 concerning industry and FDI in Portugal. Analysis of R. Narula and C. Bellak’s text on EU enlargement and FDI.

21 Novembro 2018, 09:00 Alina Isabel Pereira Esteves

The Effects of EU enlargement to the East in 2004 concerning industry and FDI in Portugal. Weaknesses of the Portuguese production system concerning competitiveness using the criteria of the World Economic Forum report (2017/2018). Analysis of R. Narula and C. Bellak’s text “EU enlargement and consequences for FDI assisted industrial development”. The students had to answer a set of questions pertaining to the text.



R. Narula; C. Bellak’s (2009) - “EU enlargement and consequences for FDI assisted industrial development”, Transnational Corporations, Vol. 18, No. 2, pp. 69-90.

José Caetano, Aurora Galego & Sofia Costa (2005) – “Portugal e o alargamento da União Europeia: alguns impactos sócio-económicos”, Análise Social, vol. XL (175), pp. 255-278 (disponível em:

FONTOURA, Maria Paula; CRESPO, Nuno (orgs.) – O Alargamento da União Europeia. Consequências para a Economia Portuguesa. Oeiras, Celta Editora, 2004, 226 p. (cota na ULCEG: PG - 213/A GE)

Communication from the Commission to the Council, the European Parliament, the Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the Regions - Industrial Policy in an Enlarged Europe /* COM/2002/0714 final ( )

Bureau of European Policy Advisers and the Directorate-General forEconomic and Financial Affairs (2006) - Enlargement, two years after: an economic evaluation , N° 24, May 2006 ( ).

Klaus Schwab (ed.), World Economic Forum (2017) - The Global Competitiveness Report 2017–2018. Geneva, World Economic Forum. ( )

