
Portugal in the European context.

26 Setembro 2018, 09:00 Alina Isabel Pereira Esteves

I - Portugal in the European context. 1.2. Social and economic characterization of Portugal in the context of the enlarged EU28. Main demographic challenges. The health and education sectors. Main indicators of economic performance. Suggestions of topics to students concerning the research essay. Reading a text authored by António Barreto and answering 8 sets of questions concerning recent social change in Portugal.



Barreto, António (2011) – “Social change in Portugal”, in Costa Pinto, A. (ed.), Contemporary Portugal. Politics, society and culture, pp.193-233. New York, SMM-Columbia University Press.



Physical Geography of Portugal

24 Setembro 2018, 09:00 Alina Isabel Pereira Esteves

Physical Geography of Portugal: Position and geographical setting; Geomorphological characteristics; Geology and Lithology of Portugal; Relief of Portugal; Surface currents of the North Atlantic Ocean; Climate characterization; Weather types; Extreme climate events.



FERREIRA, António Brum – O ambiente Físico. Vol I, in Medeiros, C.A. (ed), Geografia de Portugal. 2005, Círculo de Leitores, Lisboa.

Fifth European Intensive Course on Applied Geomorphology ‐ Mediterranean and Urban Areas, ERASMUS ICP‐91/96‐I‐1226/07, publ.nº 9, Lisboa, 1996, ISBN: 972‐636‐114‐1.



Presentation of the teachers to the students. Presentation of the syllabus and functioning of the course. Portugal in the European context: contemporary demographic, social and economic features.

19 Setembro 2018, 09:00 Alina Isabel Pereira Esteves

Presentation of the teachers to the students. Presentation of the syllabus, objectives and skills. Functioning of the course.

The assessment of the students is the following: 1. General regime of evaluation: 1st written test (30%); 2nd written test (30%); Group written essay (40%). 2. Special regime of evaluation: 1st written test (30%); 2nd written test (30%); Individual written essay (40%).

I – Portugal in the European context. 1.1. - The environmental setting. Physical Geography of Portugal: Position and geographical setting; Geomorphological characteristics; Geology and Lithology of Portugal; Relief of Portugal; Surface currents of the North Atlantic Ocean.




COSTA PINTO, A. (2011) – “Twentieth-century Portugal: An introduction”, in Costa Pinto, A. (ed.), Contemporary Portugal. Politics, society and culture, pp.1-54. New York, SMM-Columbia University Press.



Não houve aula pois a docente encontra-se a participar no evento “Workshop & International Conference: Human Rights In Higher Education” do projecto MEHR.

17 Setembro 2018, 09:00 Alina Isabel Pereira Esteves

Não houve aula pois a docente encontra-se a participar no evento “Workshop & International Conference: Human Rights In Higher Education” do projecto MEHR.
