
Analysis of the text “The golden age of growth”. The changes arising from the 1974 Revolution, the formal application for membership to the EEC (1977) and the entry in the "Europe of 12" (1986).

15 Outubro 2018, 09:00 Alina Isabel Pereira Esteves

Analysis of the text “The golden age of growth” authored by Leonor Freire Costa; Pedro Lains; Susana M. Miranda (2016). The students responded to a set of questions concerning the social and economic situation of Portugal in the 1960s and early 1970s.

III - The changes arising from the 1974 Revolution, the formal application for membership to the EEC (1977) and the entry in the "Europe of 12" (1986)

3.1 - Analysis of the political and economic developments of the pre-accession period.



Leonor Freire Costa; Pedro Lains; Susana M. Miranda (2016) – “The golden age of growth”, in Costa, Lains and Miranda, An economic history of Portugal 1143-2010, pp. 303-316. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press.

António Costa Pinto and Nuno Severiano Teixeira (2004) - From Atlantic past to European destiny: Portugal, in Wolfram Kaiser & Jürgen Elvert (ed.) European Union Enlargement. A Comparative History, pp. 112-130. London, Routledge (



From Portugal’s autarchy to Portugal in Europe (cont.).

10 Outubro 2018, 09:00 Alina Isabel Pereira Esteves

From Portugal’s autarchy to Portugal in Europe (cont.). 2.2 - Political and economic background of the progressive opening to Europe. 2.2.1 - The Law of Development and Industrial Restructuring of the 1940s to the Development Plans of the 50s, 60s and early 70s. 2.2.2 - Membership to EFTA (1960) and the Free Trade Agreement with the EEC (1972).

Support to the students’ research essay by supervising some of the groups that chose their topic.



Santos Alípio, Elsa (2006) Salazar e a Europa. História da adesão à EFTA (1956-1960). Lisboa, Livros Horizonte, 142 p. (cota no ICS: 327ALI,E)

Nicolau Andresen-Leitão (2004) “O convidado inesperado: Portugal e a fundação da EFTA, 1956-1960”, Análise Social, vol. XXXIX (171), pp. 285-312 ( ).




From Portugal’s autarchy to Portugal in Europe (cont.).

8 Outubro 2018, 09:00 Alina Isabel Pereira Esteves

II - From Portugal at the municipal level to Portugal in Europe. 2.1 - The new state strategy in defence of colonial space and the fear of European integration. Features of the period of programmed stagnation or ruralism. The “Estado Novo’s” corporate organization, the Law of Industrial Conditioning and the Law of Economic Reconstitution. Results of these political options. The unique party system headed by União Nacional. Censorship and freedom. Reading and answering questions concerning the text “The rise of dictatorship” by Costa, Lains and Miranda (2016; pp.298-303).



Caldeira, Arlindo Manuel (1986) – “O partido de Salazar: antecedentes, organizações e funções da União Nacional (1926-1934)”, Análise Social, Vol. XX, No. 94, pp. 943-977. ( )

Cardoso, José Luís; e Rocha, Maria Manuela (2002) – “Corporativismo e Estado – Providência”, XII Encontro da APHES.

( )

Béla Tomka (2013) - A Social History of Twentieth-Century Europe. London, Routledge.

Leonor Freire Costa; Pedro Lains; Susana M. Miranda (2016) - An economic history of Portugal 1143-2010. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press.



From Portugal’s autarchy to Portugal in Europe.

3 Outubro 2018, 09:00 Alina Isabel Pereira Esteves

II - From Portugal’s autarchy to Portugal in Europe. 2.1 - The new state strategy in defence of colonial space and the fear of European integration. From the 1st Republic to the Military Dictatorship (1926): main economic, demographic and social features and political upheavals of the period between 5/10/1910 and 28/5/1926. The Military Dictatorship (1926-1933). From 1933 onwards: the “Estado Novo”’s corporate organization and the 1933 Constitution.



José Manuel Ferraz (1975) – “O desenvolvimento socioeconómico durante a Primeira República 1910-26”, Análise Social, Vol. XI (2.º-3.º), No. 42-43, pp. 454-471. (

Douglas L. Wheeler (1978) – “A Primeira República Portuguesa e a história”, Análise Social, Vol. 14, No. 56, pp. 865-872. ( )

Cardoso, José Luís; e Rocha, Maria Manuela (2002) – “Corporativismo e Estado – Providência”, XII Encontro da APHES.

( )



Portugal in the European context. The environmental setting.

1 Outubro 2018, 09:00 Alina Isabel Pereira Esteves

Portugal in the European context. 1.1. The environmental setting. Main characteristics of the biogeography and hydrology of Portugal. Environmental Policy: Important milestones. Resolution of exercises based on reading and analysis of texts.



FERREIRA, António Brum – O ambiente Físico. Vol I, in Medeiros, C.A. (ed), Geografia de Portugal. 2005, Círculo de Leitores, Lisboa.

Fifth European Intensive Course on Applied Geomorphology ‐ Mediterranean and Urban Areas, ERASMUS ICP‐91/96‐I‐1226/07, publ.nº 9, Lisboa, 1996, ISBN: 972‐636‐114‐1.

