
First written test.

31 Outubro 2018, 09:00 Alina Isabel Pereira Esteves

First written test.



Alfredo Marques (2014) “EU structural funds in Portugal. A mixed picture”, in Laura C. Ferreira-Pereira (ed.), Portugal in the European Union. Assessing twenty-five years of integration experience, pp.115-130. London, Routledge.

Leonor Freire Costa; Pedro Lains; Susana M. Miranda (2016) – “The golden age of growth”, in Costa, Lains and Miranda, An economic history of Portugal 1143-2010, pp. 303-316. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press.

José Manuel Ferraz (1975) – “O desenvolvimento socioeconómico durante a Primeira República 1910-26”, Análise Social, pp. 454-471.

Douglas L. Wheeler (1978) – “A Primeira República Portuguesa e a história”, Análise Social, Vol. 14, No. 56, pp. 865-872. ( )

FERREIRA, António Brum – O ambiente Físico. Vol I, in Medeiros, C.A. (ed), Geografia de Portugal. 2005, Círculo de Leitores, Lisboa.

Fifth European Intensive Course on Applied Geomorphology ‐ Mediterranean and Urban Areas, ERASMUS ICP‐91/96‐I‐1226/07, publ.nº 9, Lisboa, 1996, ISBN: 972‐636‐114‐1.




3.2 - The integration of Portugal in the European Community.

29 Outubro 2018, 09:00 Alina Isabel Pereira Esteves

3.2 - The integration of Portugal in the European Community. Changes in the Portuguese legislation and regulation to accommodate needs resulting from joining the EC (the constitutional revision of 1989). Changes at the EC level in order to promote social and economic cohesion (Delors I and II Packages, the Single European Act, the Maastricht Treaty). The growth of foreign direct investment, the privatizations and political stability in Portugal. Discussion of the text “EU structural funds in Portugal. A mixed picture” (authored by Alfredo Marques). The students had to answer a set of questions pertaining to the text.



Sebastián Royo, “Lessons from Spain and Portugal in the European Union after 20 years”, Pôle Sud, 2007/1,n° 26 (

Alfredo Marques (2014) “EU structural funds in Portugal. A mixed picture”, in Laura C. Ferreira-Pereira (ed.), Portugal in the European Union. Assessing twenty-five years of integration experience, pp.115-130. London, Routledge.





3.2 - The integration of Portugal in the European Community. Support to the draft plans of the group essays.

24 Outubro 2018, 09:00 Alina Isabel Pereira Esteves

3.2 - The integration of Portugal in the European Community. Changes in the Portuguese legislation and regulation to accommodate needs resulting from joining the EC (the constitutional revision of 1989). Changes at the EC level in order to promote social and economic cohesion (Delors I and II Packages, the Single European Act, the Maastricht Treaty). The growth of foreign direct investment, the privatizations and political stability in Portugal. Economic and social indicators of the period 1986-1992 showing the convergence with other European economies and societies. Reading and analysing the text “Lessons from Spain and Portugal in the European Union after 20 years”, authored by Sebastián Royo.

Support to the draft plans of the group essays.



Sebastián Royo, “Lessons from Spain and Portugal in the European Union after 20 years”, Pôle Sud, 2007/1,n° 26 (

Joaquim Ramos Silva (s/d) ”A economia portuguesa e o investimento directo estrangeiro” (

Nuno Carlos Leitão; Horácio Faustino (2008) - ”Portuguese Foreign Direct Investments Inflows: An Empirical Investigation”, WP 54/2008/DE/SOCIUS (



Reading and analysis of two texts concerning the Revolutionary Period and the joining of the EEC. Support to the draft plans of the group essays.

22 Outubro 2018, 09:00 Alina Isabel Pereira Esteves

3.1 - Analysis of the political and economic developments of the pre-accession period. Analysis of the first section of the text “Portugal: 40 Years of Democracy and Integration in the European Union” authored by Ricardo Cabral and Viriato Soromenho Marques (2014) and also of a section of the text “Portugal and European Integration, 1947–1992” authored by Lucia Coppolaro and Pedro Lains. The students answered questions concerning the two texts.

Support to the draft plans of the group essays.



Ricardo Cabral and Viriato Soromenho Marques (2014) - “Portugal: 40 Years of Democracy and Integration in the European Union” ( ).

Lucia Coppolaro and Pedro Lains (2013) – “Portugal and European Integration, 1947–1992: an essay on protected openness in the European Periphery”, e-JPH vol.11 no.1 Porto ( ).



The changes arising from the 1974 Revolution, the formal application for membership to the EEC (1977) and the entry in the "Europe of 12" (1986). Supervision of students’ draft plans for the research essay.

17 Outubro 2018, 09:00 Alina Isabel Pereira Esteves

III - The changes arising from the 1974 Revolution, the formal application for membership to the EEC (1977) and the entry in the "Europe of 12" (1986)

3.1 - Analysis of the political and economic developments of the pre-accession period.

Supervision of students’ draft plans for the research essay.



Leonor Freire Costa; Pedro Lains; Susana M. Miranda (2016) - An economic history of Portugal 1143-2010. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press.

António Costa Pinto and Nuno Severiano Teixeira (2004) - From Atlantic past to European destiny: Portugal, in Wolfram Kaiser & Jürgen Elvert (ed.) European Union Enlargement. A Comparative History, pp. 112-130. London, Routledge (

