
Metaphysics Z.2 and Z.3

13 Abril 2023, 14:00 Wolfgang Sattler

We discussed specific claims and problems in Metaphysics Z.2 and Z.3, about what kind of things have been suggested and are assumed there as being substances, what marks are suggested to be characteristic of substances, etc.

Metaphysics Z.1

10 Abril 2023, 14:00 Wolfgang Sattler

We had a look at Aristotle's argument for the ontological primacy of substance in Metaphysics Z.1, and at the other kinds of primacy attributed there to substance. We considered in particular different interpretations of what it could mean that substance is primary in time, as it is claimed there. In addition, we went through 3 of the 4 different sense of 'in virtue of itself' (kath'hauto) distinguished in APo 1.4.

Kinds of Priority in Metaphysics 5.11, and kinds of Primacy in Metaphysics 7.1

30 Março 2023, 14:00 Wolfgang Sattler

We discussed certain concepts of priority listed in Metaphysics 5.11, i.e. priority in time, priority in knowledge, and priority in nature or substance. We then discussed an argument in Metaphysics 7.1 about the primacy of substance, and in what sense substance is said there to be primary in time.

Separation: Interpretations, and Priority in Substance

27 Março 2023, 14:00 Wolfgang Sattler

We had a look at some interpretations of Aristotle's notion of separation in the literature, and how this notion is usually taken to relate to the notion of priority in substance in Metaphysics 5.11.

PNC, and some Terminology about Substances

23 Março 2023, 14:00 Wolfgang Sattler

We had a look at the principle of non-contradiction introduced in Metaphysics 4.3, at two different senses of 'substance' distinguished in Metaphysics 5.8, and at Aristotle's conception of entities in their own right or in themselves in Posterior Analytics 1.4.