
Senses of Unity and Being

2 Março 2023, 14:00 Wolfgang Sattler

We went through and discussed Aristotle's conception of the pros hen structure of being/the theory of 'focal meaning' of being, in Metaphysics 4.2. We then had a look a some of the distinct senses of being one listed in Metaphysics 5.6 (e.g. being one in number, one in species etc.) and compared them with contemporary distinctions of senses of being the same or one.

Teleology and Chance/Spontaneity

27 Fevereiro 2023, 14:00 Wolfgang Sattler

We revised previously discussed topics on causality, in particular on the final cause and Aristotle's arguments for teleology in nature. We also had a look at Aristotle's accounts of chance and spontaneity in Physics 2.4-6.

The Rainfall Argument in Physics 2.8, and the Soul in De Anima 2.1

23 Fevereiro 2023, 14:00 Wolfgang Sattler

We had a look at different interpretative approaches to Aristotle's teleological thesis that nature operates for an end, and then discussed the 'rainfall argument' in Physics 1.8 198b10-199a8. We further read and clarified several passages in De Anima 2.1 about Aristotle's general characterisation of the soul, the form of living beings.

Aristotle's Teleology

16 Fevereiro 2023, 14:00 Wolfgang Sattler

We had a look at the relation between the efficient and the final cause in Physics 2, and at different senses of in which one could speak of an end. We then discussed some of the arguments in Physics 2.8 in support of Aristotle's teleological claim that nature operates for an end.

Change and Nature

13 Fevereiro 2023, 14:00 Wolfgang Sattler

We had a look at the application of Aristotle's basic model of change on substantial change, and Aristotle's doctrine of hylomorphism. We further looked at Aristotle's notion of a nature again, and several arguments in favour of form as nature rather than matter.