
Theology vs Ontology, Separation

20 Março 2023, 14:00 Wolfgang Sattler

We went through Aristotle's division of three philosophies in Metaphysics 6.1 with theology as first philosophy, and discussed whether there is a tension between the conceptions of wisdom as theology and as ontology. We then started to have a look at the controversy about separation as a characteristic of substances.


16 Março 2023, 14:00 Wolfgang Sattler

Exam session: a test about the topics discussed so far.  

Aporiai and Focal Meaning

13 Março 2023, 14:00 Wolfgang Sattler

We had a look at the typical form of the difficulties or aporiai listed in Metaphysics B, and at what their function could be, and also considered one difficulty in some more detail. We then went trough Aristotle's conception of a pros hen unity (the theory focal meaning).

Being and Unity, Ontology and Theology

9 Março 2023, 14:00 Wolfgang Sattler

We discussed Aristotle's distinction of the three philosophies in Metaphysics 6.1, with theology as first philosophy, and how theology there relates to the science of being qua being in Metaphysics 4.1. We further had a look at Aristotle's association of being and unity in 6.1, and at the different senses in which something can belong to some kind of thing in itself in the Posterior Analytics 1.4.

The soul in terms of function and actuality

6 Março 2023, 14:00 Wolfgang Sattler

We went through Aristotle's general account of the soul in De Anima 2.1 again, and clarified several views presented there, including the general account of the soul as a first actuality of a natural, organic body, the distinction of a first and a second actuality, the functional view of the soul, and the general inseparabilty of the soul from the body.