
Defining Translation II

3 Outubro 2024, 09:30 Zsófia Gombár

Daria Sivirina and David Anim gave their presentation on "MA and PhD courses in Portugal":



In this class, Sts were divided into 8 groups, each tasked with creating a formal definition of "translation." Each group developed their definition using Google Slides, which was later published on the educational blog:


The process began with individual Sts using the online brainstorming tool, Scrumblr:, where they provided their own definitions of translation. These initial ideas were then discussed within their groups, and after thorough deliberation, each group synthesised their definitions into a more refined and formal version.


The final definitions were then discussed in class and shared on the blog to be used as a resource for further discussion and reflection.

Introduction to Translation Studies I

1 Outubro 2024, 09:30 Zsófia Gombár

The link for scheduling your presentation is now active. Sts can choose from the slots below:

The following presentations were delivered by students, which were followed by class quizzes and discussions.

1) BA courses in Translation Studies in Portugal by Ana Beatriz Sobreira and Pedro Maria Lopes




2) BA courses in Translation Studies in other countries by João Pedro Lima and João Gastão



Defining 'Translation'

26 Setembro 2024, 09:30 Zsófia Gombár

1) Sts were asked individually to give their own personal definition of “translation” via google form:


How would you define translation in one or two words?


A selected number of definitions were read out and commented by Sts.

2)  The different concepts and meanings of the word ‘translation’ were discussed in various languages:


Seminar cancelled due to the overlap with the 2023/2024 FCT Assessment of the University of Lisbon Centre for English Studies (CEAUL/ULICES)

24 Setembro 2024, 09:30 Zsófia Gombár

The seminar has been cancelled due to overlapping with the 2023/2024 FCT Assessment at the University of Lisbon Centre for English Studies today.

Please note that individual research tasks previously assigned to students will remain in effect.

Intoruduction II

19 Setembro 2024, 09:30 Zsófia Gombár

During the session, students were inquired about their future plans, research interests, and their expectations concerning the course. They introduced themselves, sharing details about their majors/minors and post-graduation plans, along with their anticipations related to the course. Moreover, students were asked about their existing knowledge about translation history and concepts in translation theory. Lastly, the course was explained in terms of its goals, teaching methods, recommended readings, and bibliography. 


To schedule presentations, the following Google Doc link will be active from September 26th, 8 pm, until October 17th, 8 pm.