
Visit to the National Archives of the Torre do Tombo II

17 Outubro 2024, 09:30 Zsófia Gombár

The Translation History class (Group B)visited the National Archives of Torre do Tombo, where they learned about its functions and how to access the archival records.

Visit to the National Archives of the Torre do Tombo I

15 Outubro 2024, 09:30 Zsófia Gombár

The Translation History class visited the National Archives of Torre do Tombo, where they learned about its functions and how to access the archival records.

Visit to the Biblioteca Nacional II

10 Outubro 2024, 09:30 Zsófia Gombár

The other half of the class visited the Biblioteca Nacional and learnt about its history and got an inside look at its facilities.

Visit to the Biblioteca Nacional I

8 Outubro 2024, 09:30 Zsófia Gombár

A group of Sts visited the Biblioteca Nacional where they participated in a guided tour to learn about its history, functions and services.

Defining Translation II

3 Outubro 2024, 09:30 Zsófia Gombár

Daria Sivirina and David Anim gave their presentation on "MA and PhD courses in Portugal":



In this class, Sts were divided into 8 groups, each tasked with creating a formal definition of "translation." Each group developed their definition using Google Slides, which was later published on the educational blog:


The process began with individual Sts using the online brainstorming tool, Scrumblr:, where they provided their own definitions of translation. These initial ideas were then discussed within their groups, and after thorough deliberation, each group synthesised their definitions into a more refined and formal version.


The final definitions were then discussed in class and shared on the blog to be used as a resource for further discussion and reflection.