
Presentation #3

23 Outubro 2019, 08:00 Rui Vitorino Azevedo

Students gave presentations on the topic: "Everyone loves a villain!".

Grammar and In-class tutorials

21 Outubro 2019, 16:00 Hilda Alexandra Prazeres Eusebio

First, TP2 carried out the listening exercise they were unable to do last class.  Those who missed today's class can carry out the listening exercise at home by clicking here:

Today we learned about gerunds vs. infinitives.  Students that missed today's class should go through the PowerPoint that you were emailed at the beginning of the semester and carry out the 20 online exercises that can be found on this webpage:

Next class: in-class writing tutorials.

After the Flood

21 Outubro 2019, 08:00 Rui Vitorino Azevedo

Continued our revision of the verb tenses, focusing on present and past forms. Did several practical exercises.
Discussion of the short story "After the Flood". Talked about some of the main themes, such as grief, religion, natural disasters, etc. 

Writing: Writing Semi-Formal Emails

18 Outubro 2019, 12:00 Zsófia Gombár

1) Recycling Vocabulary: flash cards. All Sts were asked to write the word on the whiteboard. The class gave the definition, the student said a sentence with the word that was somehow related to his/her life, (family, or friends). Vocabulary: tuition fees, trainee, grant, dismiss, unemployed, employee, graduate, postgraduate, etc.

2) Checking homework: B1.1 Workbook 2019-2020, all exercises on page 24.

3) Group work activity: Sts had to group several strips of paper into 1) a formal letter, 2) a semi-formal email and 3) an informal email, and then to put the strips into the right order. The different styles were discussed.

4) Group work activity: Sts were given a copy of a semi-formal email as an example of a good email and a copy of a bad email. Sts then compared the two emails and tried to discover the rules of writing a good email.

5) Homework: Write a semi-formal email to an information centre of your imaginary holiday destination asking for any information you would like to know. (Approximately 150 words).

Reading and Writing...

16 Outubro 2019, 16:00 Hilda Alexandra Prazeres Eusebio

TP2 carried out their final reading exercise:  B1.1 Reading: Travel.  Those who didn't come to class should complete the exercise at home by clicking here:

The final listening exercise could not be carried out as there is no speaker in PN12, but it will be carried out next class in PN14.

Finally, the students carried out their final in-class writing exercise: B1.1 In-Class Writing: Transport.  They were instructed to write a short piece (half a page of A4 or a full page of A5) describing the best or worst journey (plane, car, bus, train, etc.) they have ever been on.