
"Eye witness" by Ed McBain.

18 Fevereiro 2019, 10:00 Isabel Maria Ferro Mealha

"Eye witness" by Ed McBain; (a) dramatised reading of the story; (b) analysing the short story and discussing cultural references. HOMEWORK: vocabulary exercises connected with words and expressions from the story (exercises 1, 2, and 3 on pages 19-20)..

Summary (and) Writing

15 Fevereiro 2019, 12:00 Margarida Vale de Gato

1) Recycling vocabulary: Writing and Speaking: Pair work activity: Sts chose 8 word cards from an envelope, invented and wrote a story which incorporated the words they had chosen. The words were then written on the whiteboard, and the stories were read out one by one in front of the class.


Vocabulary used: (to) convict, (to) acquit, forgery, detention, (to) charge somebody with (murder, theft, bribery, etc.), (to) borrow, (to) lend, (to) raise an eyebrow, (to) shrug one's shoulders, (to) moan; (to) mutter, (to) stab, (to) blink, on the force, lineup, one-way mirror, (to) withhold evidence, witness; (to) confess, arson.


2) Correcting mistakes in Sts’ written assignments:


a) Dictation to correct frequent spelling mistakes:


I would like to live next to the sea. /lɪv/

I do not want to leave him alone. /liːv/


I refused his offer, which made him angry.


b) ask – ask for

ask =  ‘put a question or seek an answer from someone’:

Can I ask you a question?

He asked me what age I was.


ask for = you want someone to give you something

I always ask for extra cheese on my pizza.

They asked their boss for more money.


3) PowerPoint Slideshow helping students to learn how to summarise texts:

·      Summaries should cover main points and key ideas, should be in your own words, no details, no value judgment

·    Text to be summarised (Sts also highlighted relevant passages of the text on a separate piece of paper.)

·      4 example summaries that needed improvement: Sts corrected them.

·      1 good example summary

4) Summary and Main Idea Worksheet:

Worksheet contains four nonfiction paragraphs about trains. Sts highlighted important information in each passage, wrote a title for the passage related to its main idea, and created a summary.




Homework: Write a short summary of the short story “Eye Witness”. by Ed McBain. B1.2 Workbook 2018-2019(Isabel Ferro Mealha, TP2-TP3 and Zsófia Gombár TP4). page 16-18.

Film screening: Morris in America

14 Fevereiro 2019, 12:00 Ana Rita Martins

Film screening: Morris in America (2016)

Debate questions on Course Book.

Submission of Oral Presentation topics.

Summary Writing

13 Fevereiro 2019, 12:00 Margarida Vale de Gato

1) Recycling vocabulary: Vocabulary and Speaking: Sts had to choose 5 word cards from an envelope. The whiteboard was divided into two parts: Crime and Punishment. Sts had to put their words into the right category.


Vocaublary used: theft, robbery, hijacking, smuggling, blackmailing, drunken driving, rape, murder, prison sentence, probation, death penalty, community service, fine, flogging, mugging, burglary, shoplifting, arson, kidnapping, forgery, pickpocketing, bribery, life imprisonment, detention.


Sts then had to choose which of them they consider the 3 most serious crimes and punishments, and 3 less serious crimes and punishments. The activity was followed by free discussion.


2) Vocabulary and Speaking: Describing police work in modern cities. Pair work activity: Exercise 3.b. B1.2 Workbook 2018-2019, page 15.


3) Speaking: pair work activity: TV series, Exercise 4 B1.2 Workbook 2018-2019, page 21.


4) Summary writing and reading comprehension exercises

Summary writing worksheet: (Gutenberg: A Man Who Changed the World)

a) Pair work activity: 8 paragraphs on Johannes Gutenberg. Sts had to read each passage, and highlight necessary information, then write their summary.

b) Sts had to answer 9 comprehension questions regarding the text.



Vocabulary: (to) convict, (to) acquit, forgery, forger, (to) forge, assault, assailant, detention, charge somebody with (murder, theft, bribery, etc.), (to) borrow, (to) lend.

Grammar: It vs this; (Un)countable nouns. Discussing short stories: useful words/ expressions. Vocabulary expansion: crime-related words/expressions.

13 Fevereiro 2019, 10:00 Isabel Maria Ferro Mealha

Grammar parctice: (a) It vs this; (b) (Un)countable nouns - checking the exercises done at home and clearing doubts. Vocabulary expansion: crime-related words and expressions. Discussing short stories: basic terminology used when talking about short stories. 

HOMEWORK: Read the short story "Eye witness" by Ed McBain (pages 16-18) and answer the questions on page14, exercise 2.