
In-class assignment: writing a letter of advice. Grammar practice: If clauses/conditionals.

6 Fevereiro 2019, 10:00 Isabel Maria Ferro Mealha

In-class assignment: writing a letter of advice in reply to one of Graham Norton's readers' letters sent to the Daily Telegraph. Grammar practice: checking the exercises about If clauses (Conditionals). HOMEWORK: (a) uncountable nouns (pp. 53-56); (b) Multi-word verbs: prepositional verbs vs phrasal verbs (exercise on page 76). 

Reading & Debating: "Chasing"

5 Fevereiro 2019, 12:00 Ana Rita Martins

Verb review (cont.)

Reading & Debating: Short story "Chasing" (2016)

HOMEWORK: Finish questions on the short story (questions 5-8)

Letters of advice.

4 Fevereiro 2019, 10:00 Isabel Maria Ferro Mealha

How to write a letter of advice: (a) analysing the structure of a letter of advice: (b) pair/group work - reading through one of Graham Norton's letters of advice (from the Telegraph) (pp. 11-12) and discussing what advice you would give for each case; c) reporting your answers to the class. HOMEWORK: do the exercises about the conditionals on papges 70-73.

Justice video podcast "Justice".

1 Fevereiro 2019, 12:00 Margarida Vale de Gato

1)  Icebreakers: getting to know each other:

a) Speaking: pair work activity: each student had to ask two “crazy questions” from their partners (questions were written on separate slips of paper, and were chosen at random.)

If you had €5 million to spend in 5 days, but you could not spend any of it on yourself or your family, what would you do with it?/ What is the best and worst restaurant you have eaten at?/ Have you built a snowman?/ Where is the best place you have ever been?/ Who is the greatest person you have ever met?/ Have you eaten anything really strange?/Who is your oldest friend? Where did you meet him or her?

2) Recycling vocabulary: Sts had to find their partner: All Sts were given a piece of paper with a word, they had to find the matching noun or adjective. Vocabulary used: French window, blank stare, brainstorm, beauty spot.

Pair work activity: Sts had to define the phrase and give an example sentence.


3) Introducing the topic of Unit 1: Justice

a) Speaking: pair work activity: Sts had to choose two conversation cards from a hat: What do you think are reasonable penalties for people who commit environmental crimes?/ What do you think of the death penalty?/ How much does the media cover crime in Portugal?/ Do you always lock your house? What about your car?/ Do you think that men and women are punished the same for the same crimes? Why or why not? How should it be?/ What do you think of the death penalty?/ Do you think it's possible to prevent certain kinds of crimes? If so, which ones and how? source: quizlet:

4) Listening exercises: Video podcast “Justice” Pearson Education Limited, 2012

New words: jaywalk, refugee, asylum seekers, infringement, dismantle, overhaul, tuition fees


B1.2 Workbook 2018-2019 (Isabel Ferro Mealha, TP2-TP3 and Zsófia Gombár TP4) Video podcast section: page1-3.


Vocabulary: biased, impartial, fine = [an amount of money that has to be paid as a punishment for not obeying a rule or law], refugee, asylum seeker, jaywalk, copyright, infringement, tuition fees



Exercise 6. Write a paragraph on a separate sheet of paper: B1.2 Workbook 2018-2019 (Isabel Ferro Mealha, TP2-TP3 and Zsófia Gombár TP4) Video podcast section: page 3.

• Have you ever had reason to contact the police? What was the outcome?

• What legal or social issues concern you the most? Why?

• If you could introduce a law in your country or community, what would it be?


Read: “Eye Witness” by Ed McBain. B1.2 Workbook 2018-2019 (Isabel Ferro Mealha, TP2-TP3 and Zsófia GombárTP4). page 16-18.

Video: DNA Journey. Class debate. Grammar: revision.

31 Janeiro 2019, 12:00 Ana Rita Martins

Video: DNA Journey. Class debate. 

Grammar: revision. Exercises on page 41 of Course Book.

HOMEWORK: Read short story "Chasing"