
Lesson 14

9 Novembro 2017, 16:00 Katarzyna Dominika Karpowicz Osowska

- "Why fast fashion is slow death for the planet" by Lucy Siegle - reading, vocabulary, discussion (pp. 24-29)

- Essay organisation - exercises (pp. 36-49)

- Homework: Essay writing (ca. 350 words, "The fast fashion industry is deeply flawed")

Vocabulary from the lessson:
- disposable (fashion)
- to be tantamount to
- cash cows
- in small/big batches
- It doesn't take a genius to work out that...
- cheapskating

Philip Noyce’s film Rabbit-Proof Fence (2002): background and discussion.

9 Novembro 2017, 14:00 Maria Teresa Correia Casal

Philip Noyce’s film Rabbit-Proof Fence (2002): background; discussion; preparation of role play.

Condoms video and discussion

8 Novembro 2017, 16:00 David Michael Greer

Condoms video + Panto groups and themes Practice essays returned.

Preparation for debate

8 Novembro 2017, 14:00 Tânia Joesephine Gregg Lopes da Silva

Students were split into groups (proposition and opposition) and asked to produce a document  setting out a logical progression of their teams arguments.

They were asked to research facts and prepare questions based on the theme of obligatory militar service

Condoms video and discussion

8 Novembro 2017, 12:00 David Michael Greer

Condoms vídeo + Panto groups and themes Practice essays returned.