
The Return of the Panto

4 Dezembro 2017, 12:00 David Michael Greer

Panto writing

Close reading of The History of Love

4 Dezembro 2017, 10:00 Paula Alexandra Carvalho Alves Rodrigues Horta

Discussion about setting, structure, the central themes and characterisation in the novel.

Reading a selection of passages.

Lesson 20

30 Novembro 2017, 16:00 Katarzyna Dominika Karpowicz Osowska

- "Is Prince Harry's engagement proof that British accent still rules the dating world?" - reading + speaking (

- "I was well gutted about the dodgy grub" - British slang (vocabulary exercise)

- Pronunciation poem - pp. 88-89

Vocabulary from the lesson:

British slang:

-          gutted

-          grub/nosh

-          the bee’s knees

-          knackered

-          jammy

-          fit

-          a fiver/a tenner

-          ta

-          two sandwiches short of a picnic

Follow-up from Black Like Me: "If I could be in someone else's shoes".

30 Novembro 2017, 14:00 Maria Teresa Correia Casal

"If I could be in someone else's shoes": oral presentations.

HW: If I could be in someone else's shoes (even if it were just for a while) - written assignment.

"Fat": details

29 Novembro 2017, 16:00 David Michael Greer

“Fat”. Detailed discussion of the text.