
Things to Remember

27 Setembro 2017, 12:00 David Michael Greer

Final intros.

Obvious reasons for FLUL success and failure.

Screening of the pilot episode of "Person of Interest"

27 Setembro 2017, 10:00 Paula Alexandra Carvalho Alves Rodrigues Horta

Group and class discussion about questions raised in the episode:

- the tension between surveillance and the invasion of private life
- post 9/11 paranoia
- trust/mistrust
- recurring motifs/tropes 

Read the chapter "The Culture of Fear" (pp. 16-25).

Lesson 3

26 Setembro 2017, 16:00 Katarzyna Dominika Karpowicz Osowska

- Getting to the top - a vocabulary board game 

- Life changes - listening, vocabulary, speaking 

Vocabulary from the lesson:

Life as a journey – metaphors

–    to take an unexpected turn

–    to be at a crossroads

–    to go one's separate ways

–    to embark on a new stage in one's life

–    to move on

–    There's no turning back.

–    to take a new direction

–    to take off

Feedback on assignment and grammar revision. "Six Shorts".

26 Setembro 2017, 14:00 Maria Teresa Correia Casal

1. Feedback on written assignment. Identification of areas in need of revision and consolidation - rules, exercises and indication of available materials.

2.  Text 2 - in “Six Shorts”, Freeman’s: Best New Writing on Home, ed. Jonathan Freeman, 2017, pp. 9-13: reading comprehension. HW: Tell the story from the point of view of the cousin who stayed back home.

As agreed with the class, Test 2 will take place on 12 December (and not on 14).

Notes on Evaluation

25 Setembro 2017, 16:00 David Michael Greer

Introduction to coursebook.

Intros and Evaluation info given in greater detail