
Essay clinic

25 Maio 2022, 13:00 Jennifer Leigh Mcgarrigle Montezuma de Carvalho

Supervision session to guide groups on the production of the essay.

Diasporas and the state

24 Maio 2022, 15:00 Jennifer Leigh Mcgarrigle Montezuma de Carvalho

Four phases of diaspora studies 

Features and types of diasporas 
States and diasporas 
EU diaspora policy? 
The Portuguese diaspora

Essay Clinic

24 Maio 2022, 13:00 Jennifer Leigh Mcgarrigle Montezuma de Carvalho

Supervision session to guide groups on the production of the essay.

Visita de estudo Mouraria

18 Maio 2022, 13:00 Jennifer Leigh Mcgarrigle Montezuma de Carvalho

Study visit to Mouraria to explore empirical realities studied previously throughout the course. 

- History of migration to the area and the creation of ethnic landscapes. ~
- Mouraria as an example of intercultural urban governance
- Diversification of diversity
- Marginal gentrification
- Ethnic economies
- Migrant Infrastructures 

Visita de estudo Mouraria

17 Maio 2022, 15:00 Jennifer Leigh Mcgarrigle Montezuma de Carvalho

Study visit to Mouraria to explore empirical realities studied previously throughout the course. 

- History of migration to the area and the creation of ethnic landscapes. ~
- Mouraria as an example of intercultural urban governance
- Diversification of diversity
- Marginal gentrification
- Ethnic economies
- Migrant Infrastructures