
Pausa da Páscoa

12 Abril 2022, 13:00 Alina Isabel Pereira Esteves

Pausa da Páscoa

Presentations of the groups working on migration studios

6 Abril 2022, 13:00 Alina Isabel Pereira Esteves

Presentation of 4 (P2) groups working on migration studios on the following migration topics: Lifestyle, labour (care), labour (sex), investment, undocumented, student, refugee, and highly-skilled.



Bloch, A.; Chimienti, M. (2012) Irregular Migrants. Policy, Politics, Motives and Everyday Lives. London, Routledge. (DOI

Burda, M.; Wyplosz, C.(1992) "Human capital, investment and migration in an integrated Europe," European Economic Review, vol. 36(2-3), pages 677-684, April.

Burmann, M.; Hofbauer Pérez, M.;Hoffmann, V.; Rhode, C.; Schworm, S. (2018). Highly Skilled Labour Migration in Europe [DICE report]. Retrieved from Leibniz Institute for Economic Research at the University of Munich website:

Lutz, H.; Palenga-Möllenbeck, E. (2012) Care Workers, Care Drain, and Care Chains: Reflections on Care, Migration, and Citizenship, Social Politics 19(1):15-37. (DOI:10.1093/sp/jxr026)

Ploner, J.; Nada, C. (2020) International student migration and the postcolonial heritage of European higher education: perspectives from Portugal and the UK, Higher Education, volume 80, pages 373–389.

UNHCR (2013) A New Begining: Refugee Integration in Europe. United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees,Bureau for Europe (


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Managing contemporary diversity II

5 Abril 2022, 15:00 Alina Isabel Pereira Esteves

Managing contemporary diversity II: Trends in integration policy from the national to the local level. Beyond national models: move to neo assimilationism. Civic integration as a dominant approach. The "local turn" and implications for governance.



Els de Graauw & Floris Vermeulen (2016) Cities and the politics of immigrant integration: a comparison of Berlin, Amsterdam, New York City, and San Francisco, Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 42:6, 989-1012, DOI: 10.1080/1369183X.2015.1126089

Ricard Zapata-Barrero (2016) Exploring the foundations of the intercultural policy paradigm: a comprehensive approach, Identities, 23:2, 155-173, DOI: 10.1080/1070289X.2015.100652

Scholten, Peter, and Rinus Penninx. (2016) The Multilevel Governance of Migration and Integration. In Integration Processes and Policies in Europe: Contexts, Levels and Actors, edited by Blanca Garcés-Mascareñas and Rinus Penninx, 91–108. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2016.


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Presentations of the groups working on migration studios

5 Abril 2022, 13:00 Alina Isabel Pereira Esteves

Presentation of 6 (P1) groups working on migration studios on the following migration topics: Lifestyle, labour (care), labour (sex), investment, undocumented, student, refugee, and highly-skilled.



Bloch, A.; Chimienti, M. (2012) Irregular Migrants. Policy, Politics, Motives and Everyday Lives. London, Routledge. (DOI

Burda, M.; Wyplosz, C.(1992) "Human capital, investment and migration in an integrated Europe," European Economic Review, vol. 36(2-3), pages 677-684, April.

Burmann, M.; Hofbauer Pérez, M.;Hoffmann, V.; Rhode, C.; Schworm, S. (2018). Highly Skilled Labour Migration in Europe [DICE report]. Retrieved from Leibniz Institute for Economic Research at the University of Munich website:

Lutz, H.; Palenga-Möllenbeck, E. (2012) Care Workers, Care Drain, and Care Chains: Reflections on Care, Migration, and Citizenship, Social Politics 19(1):15-37. (DOI:10.1093/sp/jxr026)

Ploner, J.; Nada, C. (2020) International student migration and the postcolonial heritage of European higher education: perspectives from Portugal and the UK, Higher Education, volume 80, pages 373–389.

UNHCR (2013) A New Begining: Refugee Integration in Europe. United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees,Bureau for Europe (


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Presentations of the groups working on migration studios

30 Março 2022, 13:00 Alina Isabel Pereira Esteves

Presentation of 2 (P1) /4 (P2) groups working on migration studios on the following migration topics: Lifestyle, labour (care), labour (sex), investment, undocumented, student, refugee, and highly-skilled.



Anderson, B; Shutes, I. (eds.) (2014) Migration and Care Labour. Theory, Policy and Politics. London: Palgrave Macmillan.

Mai, N. (2021). Migration, sex work and trafficking: the racialized bordering politics of sexual humanitarianism, Ethnic and Racial Studies, Volume 44, 2021 - Issue 9.

O’Reilly, K.; M Benson (2015). Lifestyle migration. London: Routledge.

Raghuram, Parvati. “Theorising the Spaces of Student Migration.” Population, Space and Place 19.2 (2013): 138–154.

Lo Iacono, E. (2014). Victims, sex workers and perpetrators: gray areas in the trafficking of nigerian women, Trends in Organized Crime, volume 17, pp. 110–128.

Rauhut, D.; Esteves, A. (2020). Becoming a part of 'elsewhereness': On the self-perceived integration of Swedish immigrants in Portugal, Population Space and Place 27(1). DOI:10.1002/psp.2423

Torkington, K.; Perdigão Ribeiro, F. (2019). A place in the sun? Discursive constructions of positive outcomes in post-migration stories in the Algarve, Social & Cultural Geography, Volume 20, Issue 5, pp.671-691.


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