
Visita de estudo - Mouraria

17 Maio 2022, 13:00 Jennifer Leigh Mcgarrigle Montezuma de Carvalho

Study visit to Mouraria to explore empirical realities studied previously throughout the course. 

- History of migration to the area and the creation of ethnic landscapes. ~
- Mouraria as an example of intercultural urban governance
- Diversification of diversity
- Marginal gentrification
- Ethnic economies
- Migrant Infrastructures 

Analysis of text on transnationalism and integration

11 Maio 2022, 13:00 Jennifer Leigh Mcgarrigle Montezuma de Carvalho

Marta Bivand Erdal (2013) Migrant Transnationalism and Multi-Layered Integration: Norwegian-Pakistani Migrants' Own Reflections, Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 39:6, 983-999, DOI: 10.1080/1369183X.2013.765665 To link to this article:


Questions to explore the text


1. What are the two paradigms regarding migration (how are they defined)?

2. What is “state integrationism” in the context of Norway?

3. What is the reasons underpinning the eventual conflict between migrant integration and transnationalism?

4. How is migrant integration often measured / assessed / evaluated?

5. What are the results of quantitative studies focusing on migrants’ integration and migrants’ transnational activities?

6. What is the dual fashion of understanding integration (according to the opinion of migrants)? How does migration background influence migrants’ feelings on socio-cultural integration/belonging?

7. Why is for migrants the implication of a predominantly national perspective of integration a challenge? What is the alternative?

Film screening with film maker and researcher Amandine Desille

10 Maio 2022, 15:00 Jennifer Leigh Mcgarrigle Montezuma de Carvalho

Film screening with film maker and researcher Amandine Desille

The film by Desille cover question related with Portuguese emigration, transnationalism and diaspora, serving as an excellent example to support the theoretical material we have been studying in class 

Analysis of text on Transnationalism and Integration

10 Maio 2022, 13:00 Jennifer Leigh Mcgarrigle Montezuma de Carvalho

Marta Bivand Erdal (2013) Migrant Transnationalism and Multi-Layered Integration: Norwegian-Pakistani Migrants' Own Reflections, Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 39:6, 983-999, DOI: 10.1080/1369183X.2013.765665 To link to this article:


Questions to explore the text


1. What are the two paradigms regarding migration (how are they defined)?

2. What is “state integrationism” in the context of Norway?

3. What is the reasons underpinning the eventual conflict between migrant integration and transnationalism?

4. How is migrant integration often measured / assessed / evaluated?

5. What are the results of quantitative studies focusing on migrants’ integration and migrants’ transnational activities?

6. What is the dual fashion of understanding integration (according to the opinion of migrants)? How does migration background influence migrants’ feelings on socio-cultural integration/belonging?

7. Why is for migrants the implication of a predominantly national perspective of integration a challenge? What is the alternative?

Climate migration

4 Maio 2022, 13:00 Jennifer Leigh Mcgarrigle Montezuma de Carvalho

Discussing climate change and migration

1)Brief overview of numbers  
2)How to classify these “environmental migrants”, knowing this has consequences over its recognition as people in need of international protection?  
3)What are the main drivers of migration? How are broader drivers of migration linked to environmental change?  
4)Policy narratives: migration as adaptation