
Practical 11 + 12

3 Maio 2024, 11:00 Rui Vitorino Azevedo

We reviewed the letter and then students were asked to translate some mini-sagas where their translations of each story had to have exactly 50 words. The focus was maintaining adverbs and adverbial collocations.

Practical 10 + 11

30 Abril 2024, 11:00 Rui Vitorino Azevedo

We reviewed Practical 10 looking at any difficulties students had in their translations We then moved on to Practical 11 which was a cover letter in the financial area. We looked at some specifics of business correspondence and also financial terminology. Students did the translation in pairs.

Practical 9 continued / Practical 10

26 Abril 2024, 11:00 Rui Vitorino Azevedo

We continued our revision of the translation and focused on some of the more medical terminology presented in the text and aimed at obtaining accuracy.

Afterwards, students began working on Practical 10 together which was on headaches: constitutional deficiency and emotional stress were the sections students were asked to do.

Practical 9 – Science/Medical

23 Abril 2024, 11:00 Rui Vitorino Azevedo

Students were asked to translate an excerpt from Don’t Look, Don’t Touch: The Science Behind Revulsion by Valerie Curtis. They had to discuss any initial difficulties that the text presents and state which general translation strategy/strategies they were going to adopt. I also asked them to focus on answering these specific questions: a) Were there cases where you deemed it difficult to obtain “equivalence”? b) How did you “naturalize” the text into the TL and its cultural setting?

Practical 8 continued

19 Abril 2024, 11:00 Rui Vitorino Azevedo

We revised the translation focusing on making it as idiomatic as possible and “natural” for the target audience which we deemed to be young adults/adults.

Students also submitted their individual translation project worth 40% of their final grade. The project involved translating an unpublished text into Portuguese and then doing an analytical commentary focusing on the strategies used and a critical analysis of the ST and TT.