
Discussion of central aspects in the chapter “Images, Power and Politics”

4 Fevereiro 2020, 10:00 Paula Alexandra Carvalho Alves Rodrigues Horta

  •  Relationships of power, representation, visuality and countervisuality, the myth of photographic truth, studium vs punctum
  • Analysis of images that illustrate the theories presented in the chapter.

For next class

1.     Read the chapter “Images, Power and Politics”, pp. 29-41, and identify key theories and concepts: connotation, denotation, myth, semiotics, structuralism, sign.

2.     Read “Rhetoric of the Image” by Roland Barthes.

3.     Bring an image to class through which to illustrate the use of semiotic analysis.

4.     Bring one or more images to class, whose meaning changes depending on the historical and/or social context in which it is shown and viewed OR whose meaning changes if it is taken out of context or is miscaptioned.

5.     Consider the interrelationship of image and text.

O mundo como texto

31 Janeiro 2020, 18:00 Diana Vieira de Campos Almeida

Análise de objetos do quotidiano; elaboração coletiva de um esquema interpretativo·      

Howells, Richard. “Semiotics”, Visual Culture. Polity, 2013, 94-114.

Shuh, John Hennigar. ”Teaching Yourself to Teach with Objects”, Journal of Education, 1982, 7 (4), pp. 8-15.

Apresentação dos objectivos da UC

31 Janeiro 2020, 16:00 Mário Vítor Bastos

Apresentação do programa e bibliografia da cadeira.

Definição do modelo de avaliação: participação nas aulas 20% + ensaio escrito 40% + teste final 40% = 100% da nota final.

Introduction to key concepts in the study of visual culture

30 Janeiro 2020, 10:00 Paula Alexandra Carvalho Alves Rodrigues Horta

Sturken, Marisa & Cartwright, Lisa (2018) Practices of Looking, pp.1-8

Rose, Gillian (2016) Visual Methodologies, pp. 1-23
  • Defining culture, visual culture, vision, visuality, representation, intertextuality, ways of seeing, text/image

For next class:
Read Sturken & Cartwright's (2018) chapter "Images, Power and Politics", and respond to the questions in The Course Calendar.


29 Janeiro 2020, 18:00 Diana Vieira de Campos Almeida

Apresentação da docente e dos alunos. Métodos de trabalho e blogue da cadeira. Programa e bibliografia. Calendário e sistema de avaliação.

Blogue da cadeira