
The Age of Enlightenment

13 Novembro 2020, 14:00 Zsófia Gombár

Zoom session:


1) Nicolas Perrot d’ Ablancourt. Dedication of French translation of Lucian by Ester Piedade

2) John Dryden on Translation by Andreia Mourão

3) Alexander Fraser Tytler. “Essay on the Principles of Translation” by Ana Pereira (recorded)



The presentations were followed by class discussion.

The Age of Enlightenment

13 Novembro 2020, 12:30 Zsófia Gombár

Zoom session


1) Nicolas Perrot d’ Ablancourt. Dedication of French translation of Lucian by

Sebastião Garcez Palha

2) John Dryden on Translation by Denise Dias

3) Alexander Pope. “Preface to the Iliad of Homer” by Alexandra Devder


The presentations were followed by class discussion.

Sense-for-sense translation II

11 Novembro 2020, 17:00 Zsófia Gombár

Sts watched a short film on sense-for-sense literary translation, created by Peter Constantine and Brian Sneeden from the University of Connecticut.

Then Sts took a short google form quiz related to the video and previous class material.


The answers were displayed on PowerPoint slides and discussed together in class.


Sts were divided into three groups, and moved to breakout rooms.

Group 1 word-for-word translation


Group 2 sense-for-sense translation


Group 3 adaptation



Sts were asked to give a short definition, to discuss the advantages and disadvantages of the method in question, and also when to use and not to use it.

Finally, the answers were read out loud by the group leaders, respectively, and then discussed in class.

Bible Translations in the Middle Ages

6 Novembro 2020, 14:00 Zsófia Gombár

Sts delivered their presentations, followed by class discussion:

1) William Tyndale. “Preface” by Altea Laineri

2) Estienne Dolet. “The Way to Translate Well from One Language to Another” by João Pinto

3) Martin Luther. “Open Letter on Translation” by José Barata (recorded)

Bible Translations in the Middle Ages

6 Novembro 2020, 12:30 Zsófia Gombár

Sts delivered their presentations, followed by class discussion:

1) Martin Luther. “Open Letter on Translation” by Kelli Owenson (recorded)

2) William Tyndale. Preface by Catarina Lopes

3) Étienne Dolet. “The Way to Translate Well from One Language to Another” by Inês Gonçalves


4) Joachim du Bellay. “The Defence and Illustration of the French Language” by Lisandra Varela