
Correcting the Test and Farewell

18 Dezembro 2020, 14:00 Zsófia Gombár

1) Hall of Fame: The Sts who achieved 80% of the google quizzes during the seminar were applauded along with the ones who completed all the tasks given.

Sts’s names (those of extraordinary results) were disclosed on the blog post: Hall of Fame.


2) End-term test: The questions of the multiple-choice test were displayed on PowerPoint slides and discussed together in class.


3) Definition of ‘translation’: The definitions given by Sts in the first class of the seminar were displayed. Each student was asked how they would define ‘translation’ now at the end of the seminar.

Correcting the Test and Farewell

18 Dezembro 2020, 12:30 Zsófia Gombár

1) Hall of Fame: The Sts who achieved 80% of the google quizzes during the seminar were applauded along with the ones who completed all the tasks given.

Sts’s names (those of extraordinary results) were disclosed on the blog post: Hall of Fame.


2) End-term test: The questions of the multiple-choice test were displayed on PowerPoint slides and discussed together in class.


3) Definition of ‘translation’: The definitions given by Sts in the first class of the seminar were displayed. Each student was asked how they would define ‘translation’ now at the end of the seminar.

Bibliographical Sources in Translation History

16 Dezembro 2020, 17:00 Zsófia Gombár

1) Mini-presenter: Arlete Graça: History of the French Language


2) Lecture on bibliographical sources in translation history:

Primary sources:


Library catalogue of the Biblioteca Nacional


Book censorship files issued between 1934 and 1974


Secondary bibliographical sources:

Intercultural Literature in Portugal 1930-2000




3 Sts were invited to move into three breakout rooms and asked to find all Portuguese translations of Charlotte Brontë’s Jane Eyre published in Portugal between 1847 and 1974 as well as to check the censorship files.

Research in Translation History in Portugal

11 Dezembro 2020, 14:00 Zsófia Gombár


Luís Bastos: T. Seruya. “Translation in Portugal during the Estado Novo”


Luís’s presentation was followed by a long class discussion on translation history in Salazar’s Portugal.

Research in Translation History in Portugal

11 Dezembro 2020, 12:30 Zsófia Gombár


1) Sandro Carvalheira: A. Assis Rosa. "A Long and Winding Road” (recorded)

2) Vera Félix: M. Carvalho. The TETRA Project Preliminary Results and Perspective (recorded)

Followed by class discussion.