
Translating sacred texts

23 Outubro 2020, 12:30 Zsófia Gombár


Maria Inês Fraga: E. Hung and D. Pollard. “Chinese tradition”

Glória Palma: Jerome. “Letter to Pammachius”

The presentations were followed by questions and group discussion about the respective topics.

We also watched a short video on the history of the alphabet that was left unfinished last time:


Translating the Bible

21 Outubro 2020, 17:00 Zsófia Gombár

Translators and the invention of alphabet:

Andreia Mourão: Ulfilas

Jona Bastos: Mesrop Mashtots

Jéssica Martins: Cyril and Methodius


The Septuagint

Ricardo Castelo Cadeireiro: Anonymous (‘Aristeas’). “The Work of the Seventy-Two”


The presentations were followed by group discussions on the subject.


Webisode: Septuagint: Origins, Impact, and Resources

We watched a short video by Andrew Perry on the modern approaches to the Septuagint and its translations.

The in-class presentation of the film was followed by class feedback and reflections on modern-day interpretations of the Septuagint.

The history of the alphabet

16 Outubro 2020, 14:00 Zsófia Gombár

The history of the alphabet and its importance to humanity were detailed: 1) the Egyptian (hieroglyphic, hieratic, demotic) /2) Sumerian (cuneiform) /3) Indus Valley civilization/4) the ancient Chinese culture. Sts also watched a short video related to the topic.

•       Ulfila (Andreia Mourão)

•       Mesrop Mashtots (Joana Bastos)

•       Cyril and Methodius (Jéssica Martins)


Inês Potier: Herodotus. “The Origin of the Class of Egyptian Interpreters”

Lorenna Lumack do Monte Agra: Marcus Tullius Cicero. “De optimo genere oratorum”

The history of the alphabet

16 Outubro 2020, 12:30 Zsófia Gombár

The history of the alphabet and its importance to humanity were detailed: 1) the Egyptian (hieroglyphic, hieratic, demotic) /2) Sumerian (cuneiform) /3) Indus Valley civilization/4) the ancient Chinese culture. Sts also watched a short video related to the topic.

•       Ulfila (Andreia Mourão)

•       Mesrop Mashtots (Joana Bastos)

•       Cyril and Methodius (Jéssica Martins)



Roman Jakobson

14 Outubro 2020, 17:00 Zsófia Gombár

We discussed the presentations given last Friday. The strengths and good practices were highlighted and a small number of weaknesses were stated together with some recommendations. We talked about the theory of structuralism and its impact on linguistics, literature, and translation studies. Sts were then asked to take a google quiz on Roman Jakobson’s “On Linguistic Aspects of Translation”. The answers were displayed on PowerPoint slides and discussed together.